22 Characterization of MEMS/NEMS and BioMEMS/BioNEMS 1281
patterned, and etched to produce a freestanding structure. These films are typically
made of low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) polysilicon film with
a thickness of 2–20µm. Surface micromachining is used to produce sensors, actua-
tors, micromirror arrays, motors, gears, and grippers. The resolution in photolithog-
raphy is dependent upon the wavelength of light. A commonly used light source
is an argon fluoride excimer laser with a wavelength of 193nm (ultraviolet or UV)
used in patterning 90-nm lines and spaces. Deep-UV wavelengths, X-ray lithogra-
phy, electron beam (e-beam) lithography, focused ion-beam lithography, maskless
lithography, liquid-immersion lithography, and STM writing by removing material
atom by atom are some of the recent developments for sub-100-nm patterning.
The fabrication of nanostructures such as nanochannels with sub-10-nm reso-
lution can be accomplished through several routes: electron beam lithography and
sacrificial-layer lithography (SLL). The process for e-beam lithographic technique
is a finely focused electron beam that is exposed over a resist surface, where the
exposure duration and location is controlled with the use of a computer [200,201].
When the resist is exposed to the electron beam, the electrons either break or join
the molecules in the resist, so the local characteristicsare changed in such a way that
further processes can either remove the exposed part (positive resist) or remove the
unexposedpart (negative resist). The resist material determinesif the molecules will
either break or join together and thus determines if a positive or negative image is
produced. E-beam lithography can either be used to create photolithographic masks
for replication or to create the devices directly. The masks that are created can be
used for either optical or X-ray lithography. One limitation of e-beam lithography is
that throughput is drastically reduced since a single electron beam is used to create
the entire exposurepattern on the resist. While this technique is slower than conven-
tional lithographic techniques, it is ideal for prototype fabrication because no masks
are required.
In SLL process, the use of a sacrificial layer allows the direct control of
nanochannel dimensions as long as there exists a method for removing the sacri-
ficial layer with absolute selectivity to the structural layers. A materials system with
such selectivity is the silicon/silicon oxide system used widely in the microfabrica-
tion of MEMS devices. The use of sidewall deposition of the sacrificial layer and
subsequent etching allows the fabrication of high-densitynanochannels for biomed-
ical applications. It is based on surface micromachining [77]. Figure 22.60 shows
a schematic of the process steps in sacrificial-layer lithography based on Hansford
et al.’s [77] work on fabrication of polysilicon membranes with nanochannels. As
with all the membrane protocols, the first step in the fabrication is the etching of the
support ridge structure into the bulk silicon substrate. A low-stress silicon nitride
(LSN or simply nitride), which functions as an etch stop layer, is then deposited
using LPCVD. The base structural polysilicon layer (base layer) is deposited on top
of the etch stop layer. The plasma etching of holes in the base layer is what defines
the shape of the pores. The buried nitride acts as an etch stop for the plasma etching
of a polysilicon base layer. After the pore holes are etched through the base layer,
the pore sacrificial thermal oxide layeris grown on the base layer. The basic require-