1310 Harold Kahn
tuators work like inchworms, traveling across a substrate in discrete advances as an
electrostatic force is repeatedly applied between the actuator and the substrate. The
stepping motion can be made on the nanometer scale, depending on the frequency
of the applied voltage, and so it can be an acceptable approximation to continuous
loading. One advantage of this scheme is that very large forces can be generated
by relatively small devices. The exact forces generated cannot be measured, so (like
the techniquethat used micromanipulatedpushing)the testis continuouslyobserved
to determine the strain at fracture. Another advantage of this technique is that, like
the lateral resonatorand the electrically pulled cantilever,the loading takes place on-
chip, and therefore the difficulties associated with attaching and aligning an external
loading source are eliminated.
Another on-chip actuator used to load microspecimens is shown in Fig. 23.13,
along with three different microspecimens [14]. Devices have been fabricated with
each of the three microspecimens integrated with the same electrostatic comb-drive
actuator. In all three cases, when a DC voltage is applied to the actuator, it moves
downward, as oriented in Fig. 23.13. This pulls down on the left end of each of
the three microspecimens, which are anchored on the right. The actuator contains
1486pairs of comb fingers. The maximum voltage that can be applied is limited by
the breakdownvoltage of the medium in which the test takes place. In air, this limits
the voltage to less than 200V. As a result, given a finger height of 4 µmandagap
of 2µm, and using (23.8), the maximum force generated by this actuator is limited
to about 1 mN. Standard optical photolithography has a minimum feature size of
about 2µm. As a result, the electrostatic actuator cannot generate sufficient force to
perform a standard tensile test on MEMS structural materials such as polysilicon.
The microspecimens shown in Fig. 23.13 are therefore designed such that the stress
is amplified.
The specimen shown in Fig. 23.13b is designed to measure bend strength. It
contains a micromachined notch with a rootradius of 1µm. When the actuator pulls
downward on the left end of this specimen, the notch serves as a stress concentra-
tion, and when the stress at the notch root exceeds σ
, the specimen fractures. The
specimen in Fig. 23.13c is designed to test tensile strength. When the left end of this
specimen is pulled downward, a tensile stress is generated in the upper thin hori-
zontal beam near the right end of the specimen. As the actuator continues to move
downward, the tensile stress in this beam will exceed the tensile strength, causing
fracture. Finally, the specimen in Fig. 23.13d is similar to that in Fig. 23.13b, except
that the notch is replaced by a sharp pre-crack that was produced by the Vickers
indent placed on the substrate near the specimen. When this specimen is loaded,
a stress intensity K is generated at the crack tip. When the stress intensity exceeds
a critical value K
, the crack propagates.K
is also referredto as the fracture tough-
The force generated by the electrostatic actuator can be calculated using (23.8).
However, (23.8) assumes a perfectly planar, two-dimensional device. In fact, when
actuated,the electric fields extend out of the plane of the device,and so (23.8) is just
an approximation. Instead, like many of the techniques discussed in this section, the