24 Structural, Nanomechanical, and Nanotribological Characterization 1345
24.3 Experimental
Table 24.8 shows a comparison between the various tools used to study hair on the
micro/nanoscale. The SEM has long been the standard means of investigating the
surface topography of human hair. The SEM uses an electron beam to give a high
resolution image of the sample, but cannot provide quantitative data regarding the
surface. SEM requires the hair sample to be covered with a very thin layer of a con-
ductive material and needs to be operated under vacuum during both metallization
and measurements. Surface metallization and vacuum exposure could potentially
induce modifications to the surface details. TEM examinations providefine detailed
internal structure of human hair. However, thin sections of 50–100nm thickness
and heavy metal compoundsstaining treatment are requiredfor TEM examinations.
The cutting of these thin sections with the aid of an ultra-microtome is not an easy
task. Moreover, since both SEM and TEM techniques cannotbe used to measure the
physical properties (e.g., mechanical and tribological) of various cellular structure
of human hair of interest and do not allow ambient imaging conditions, many out-
standing issues remain to be answered. For example: How do the various cellular
structures of hair behave physically in various environments (temperature, humid-
ity, etc.)? How do they swell in water? For conditioner treated hair, how thick is the
conditioner layer and how is the conditioner distribution on hair surface?
AFM is now commonly used for morphological, structural, tribological and
mechanical characterization of surfaces [7–10]. As a non-invasive technique, AFM
has been used to evaluate the effect of hair treatment and can be used in ambi-
ent conditions to study the effect of environment on various physical properties.
A schematic of an AFM imaging a hair fiber is shown in Fig. 24.11. AFM/FFM
uses a sharp tip with a radius of approximately 10–50nm. This significant reduc-
tion in tip to sample interaction compared to the macroscale allows the simulation
of single asperity contact to give detailed surface information. Contact mode allows
simultaneous measurement of surface roughness and friction force. Different AFM
operating modes, tapping mode and torsional resonance (TR) mode can be used for
measurements of material stiffness and viscoelastic properties mapping using am-
plitude and phase angle imaging. To study the electrostatic charge build up on hair,
surface potential studies can be carried out using AFM as a nano Kelvin probe.
When skin comes in contact with hair, actual contact occurs over a large num-
ber of asperities. During relative motion, friction and adhesion are governed by the
surface interactions which occur at these asperities. Until about 2000, much of the
work in the industry has focused on the measurement of macroscale friction, parti-
cularly between a skin replica and a hair swatch of interest [68]. Figure 24.12shows
schematics of typical macro- and micro/nanoscale test apparatuses. However, there
are many problems associated with performing these types of measurements. Fac-
tors such as topographicalvariations, lumping of the hair fibers, the large size of the
syntheticskin, and traditional measurementsystem errorscan all lead to uncertainty
in the data.
Depth-sensing nanoindentation measurement techniques are now commonly
used to measure nanomechanical properties of surface layers of bulk materials and