1350 B. Bhushan, C. LaTorre
the photodiode. A feedback loop system coupled to a piezo-electric scanning stage
is used to control the vertical z position of the sample, which changes the degree of
in-plane(lateral) tip-sampleinteraction of interest.The z displacement of the sample
gives a surface height image of the sample. There are two possible operating modes
depending on which parameter is controlled (see Table 24.9):
1. TR mode I: constant TR amplitude;
2. TR mode II: constant normal cantilever deflection (constant load).
Both modes are operated at the resonance frequency of cantilever in air, which is
different from the TR friction mode used in previous study [17] in which the tip is
vibrated at the resonance frequency of the cantilever after engagement. During the
measurement, the cantilever/tip assembly is first vibrated at its resonance at some
amplitude before the tip engages the sample. Then, for TR mode I, the tip engages
the sample at some setpoint which is reported as a ratio of the vibration amplitude
after engagement to the vibration amplitude in free air before the engagement [19,
44, 73]. For TR mode II, instead of keeping constant setpoint, a constant normal
load measured using vertical segments of the photodiode is applied. Under in-plane
tip-sample interaction, torsional resonance frequency, amplitude and phase of the
cantilever all change from those when it is far away from the sample surface and
could be used for contrasting and imaging of in-plane lateral surface properties.
Compared to TM and TR mode I, the AFM tip interacts with the surface more
intensively in TR mode II, therefore, more detailed in-plane surface information can
be obtained [26]. By using TR mode II, TR amplitude and TR phase angle images
show even larger contrast. Previous studies [19,44,73] indicated that the phase shift
can be related to the energydissipationthrough the viscoelastic deformationprocess
between the tip and the sample. Recent theoretical analysis [76] has established
a quantitative correlation between the lateral surface properties (lateral stiffness and
viscoelasticity) of materials and amplitude/phase angle shift in TR measurements.
The contrast in the TR amplitude and phase angle images is due to the in-plane
(lateral) heterogeneity of the surface. Based on the TR amplitude and phase angle
images, the lateral surface properties (lateral stiffness and viscoelasticity) mapping
of materials can be obtained. In the work presented in the chapter, TR mode II
amplitude and phase images were obtained to characterize the cellular structure of
human hair. For convenience,TR amplitude is recorded in volt, and 1V corresponds
to about 0.5 nm TR amplitude.
Surface Potential Studies Using AFM Based Kelvin Probe Microscopy
All measurements were taken with a MultiMode atomic force microscope equipped
with ExtenderElectronics modules. The Extenderallowsfor surfacepotential meas-
urements to be taken. Surface potential measurement is conducted using a two pass
method [15, 16,31, 55,56]. In the first pass, surface topography is measured using
the standard AFM tapping mode, Fig. 24.14a. In the second pass, the tip is scanned
over the previously measured topography at a specified distance above the surface
(for example, 30nm), Fig. 24.14b. The piezo normally oscillating the tip in tapping