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the relative humidity. Z-DOL (BW) has a smaller friction force than Si(100) and
Z-15 over the whole testing range, and its friction force shows a relative appar-
ent increase when the relative humidity is higher than 45%. For Si(100), Z-15 and
Z-DOL (BW), their adhesive forces increase with relative humidity. And their co-
efficients of friction increase with a relative humidity up to 45%, after which they
decrease with further increasing of the relative humidity. It is also observed that the
effect of humidity on Si(100) really depends on the history of the Si(100) sample.
As the surface of Si(100) wafer readily adsorb water in air, without any pretreat-
ment the Si(100) used in our study almost reaches its saturated stage of adsorbed
water, and shows less effect during increasing relative humidity. However, once the
Si(100) wafer was thermally treated by baking at 150
Cfor1h,alargereffect was
The schematic (right) in Fig. 22.21 shows that Si(100), because of its high free
surface energy, can adsorb more water molecules with increasing relative humidity.
As discussed earlier, for the Z-15 film in the humid environment, the condensed
water from the humid environment competes with the lubricant film present on the
sample surface, and the interaction of the liquid lubricant film with the silicon sub-
strate is weakened and a boundary layer of the liquid lubricant forms puddles. This
dewetting allows water molecules to be adsorbed on the Si(100) substrate mixed
with Z-15 molecules [160,161]. Obviously, more water molecules can be adsorbed
on theZ-15surfacewith increasingrelativehumidity.The largeramountof adsorbed
water in the case of Si(100), along with the lubricant molecules in the case of the
Z-15 film, forms a larger water meniscus, which leads to an increase of the friction
force, adhesive force, and coefficient of friction of Si(100) and Z-15 with humid-
ity. However, at a very high humidity of 70%, large quantities of adsorbed water
can form a continuous water layer that separates the tip and sample surface, acting
as a kind of lubricant, which causes a decrease in the friction force and coefficient
of friction. For Z-DOL (BW) film, because of their hydrophobic surface proper-
ties, water molecules can be adsorbed at humidity higher than 45%, and causes an
increase in the adhesive force and friction force.
To study the durability of lubricant films at nanoscale, the friction of Si(100),
Z-15, and Z-DOL (BW) as a function of the number of scanning cycles are shown
in Fig. 22.22. As observed earlier, the friction force and coefficient of friction of
Z-15 are higher than that of Si(100) with the lowest values for Z-DOL(BW). During
cycling,thefrictionforce andcoefficientof frictionof Si(100)showa slightdecrease
during the initial few cycles then remain constant. This is related to the removal of
the top adsorbed layer. In the case ofZ-15film,thefrictionforceandcoefficient
of friction show an increase during the initial few cycles and then approach higher
stable values. This is believed to be caused by the attachment of the Z-15 molecules
onto the tip. The molecular interaction between these attached molecules to the
tip and molecules on the film surface is responsible for an increase in the friction.
But after several scans, this molecular interaction reaches equilibrium and after that
the friction force and coefficient of friction remain constant. In the case of Z-DOL
(BW) film, the friction force and coefficient of friction start out low and remain low