1228 Bharat Bhushan
and C
-implanted Si(111), it is noted that wear resistance of implanted sample is
slightly poorer than that of virgin silicon up to about 80µN. Above 80 µN, the wear
resistance of implanted Si improves. As one continues to run tests at 40 µNfor
a larger number of cycles, the implanted sample, which forms hard and tough sili-
con carbide, exhibits higher wear resistance than the unimplanted sample. Damage
from the implantationin the top layer results in poorer wear resistance, however,the
implanted zone at the subsurface is more wear-resistant than the virgin silicon.
Hardness values of virgin and C
-implanted Si(111) at various indentation
depths (normal loads) are presented in Fig. 22.15c [147]. The hardness at a small
indentationdepthof 2.5nmis16.6GPa and it dropsto a valueof 11.7GPa at a depth
of 7nm and a normal load of 100µN. Higher hardness values obtained in low-load
indentationmay arise fromthe observedpressure-inducedphase transformationdur-
ing thenanoindentation[148,149].Additionalincrease inthe hardnessat an theeven
lower indentation depth of 2.5nm reported here may arise from the contribution by
complex chemical films (not from native oxide films) present on the silicon sur-
face. At small volumes there is a lower probability of encountering material defects
(dislocations, etc.). Furthermore, according to the strain-gradient plasticity theory
advanced by Fleck et al. [150], large strain gradients inherent in small indentations
lead to accumulation of geometrically necessary dislocations that cause enhanced
hardening. These are some of the plausible explanations for an increase in hardness
at smaller volumes. If the silicon material were to be used at very light loads such as
in microsystems, the high hardness of surface films would protect the surface until
it is worn.
From Fig. 22.15c, hardness values of C
-implanted Si(111) at a normal load of
50µNis20.0GPa with an indentation depth of about 2nm, which is comparable
to the hardness value of 19.5GPaat70µN, whereas measured hardness value for
virgin silicon at an indentation depth of about 7 nm (normal load of 100µN) is only
about 11.7GPa. Thus, ion implantation with C
results in an increase in hardness in
silicon. Note that the surface layer of the implanted zone is much harder compared
with the subsurface, and may be brittle leading to higher wear on the surface. The
subsurface of the implanted zone (SiC) is harder than the virgin silicon, resulting in
higher wear resistance, which is also observed in the results of the macroscale tests
conducted at high loads.
The Effect of Oxide Films on Tribological Properties of Silicon
Macroscale friction and wear experiments have been performed using a magnetic
disk drive with bare, oxidized, and implanted pins sliding against amorphous-
carbon-coated magnetic disks lubricated with a thin layer of perfluoropolyether lu-
bricant [151–154]. Representative profiles of the variation of the coefficient of fric-
tion with number of sliding cycles for Al
–TiC slider and bare and dry-oxidized
silicon pins are shown in Fig. 22.16. For bare Si(111), after initial increase in the
coefficient of friction, it drops to a steady-state value of 0.1 following the increase,
as seen in Fig. 22.16. The rise in the coefficient of friction for the Si(111) pin is as-
sociated with the transfer of amorphous carbon from the disk to the pin, oxidation-