to the strongly enhanced van der Waals energy because K
can fit closely into the
ditrigonal cavity of the silicate layer. When Li
is displaced by K
in Wyoming
montmorillonite, the entropy change is negative (DS1 ¼ 2 3 :12 J=K), the (decisive)
value of DH1 is –2.98 kJ/mol and DG1 is –2.05 kJ/mol (Gast and Klobe, 1971; Gast,
1972; Maes and Cremers, 1977; Eberl, 1980; Goulding and Talibudeen, 1980).
The preference of clay minerals for certain cations is caused by several effects.
These include hydration of the cations at the surface and in solution (entr opy!),
electrostatic cation–surface and cation–cation inter actions, interaction between the
water molecules and the surface, and the polarizability or hard and soft acid–base
(HSAB) character of the cations (Xu and Harsh, 1992; Auboiroux et al., 1998).
Entropic effects are also often decisive (Laudelout et al., 1968; Gast and Klobe,
1971; Gast, 1972; Maes and Cremers, 1977; Inoue and Minato, 1979; McBride, 1979;
Jasmund and Lagaly, 1993). An influence of the oxidation state of the structural iron
was also observed (see Chapter 8).
The structure of the silicate layers (localization of charges, orientation of OH
dipoles, rotation of tetrahedra) should have a strong e ffect when the layer separation
is small as in the case of micas (Kodama et al., 1974). Potassium ions in micas can be
exchanged by other cations only under particular conditions, e.g., by complexing the
displaced K
in very dilute solutions (Scott et al., 1973), or reacting with barium
ions at 80–120 1C(Reichenbach and Rich, 1969; Reichenb ach, 1973). The latter
process is accompanied by a decrease in layer charge (Beneke and Lagaly, 1982).
The cation exchange reaction in micas often proceeds as a co-operative process
(Reichenbach and Rich, 1969; Reich enbach, 1973).
C. Hysteresis
Exchange reactions on clay minerals typically show hysteresis effects. This is illus-
trated in Fig. 12.10.4 for the K
exchange on montmorillonite induced by
drying. The curves A, B, and C (dotted) represent the exchange of Ca
by K
three different total concentrations. For K
-montmorillonite that was dried at
80 1 C, the exchange of K
by Ca
follows the solid curves indicating that the K
ratios on the surface are higher than those obtained during the exchange of
by K
(Inoue and Minato, 1979 ).
The thermodynamics of binary exchange of cations on clay minerals and soils was
reviewed by Verburg and Bav eye (1994). The model proposed takes into account the
clay mineral type, state of hydration, and electrolyte concentration, at least qua l-
itatively. The exchangeable cation s are classified into three groups (Table 12.10.2). If
exchange occurs between cations of different groups, hysteresis appears due to one of
several mechanisms: heterogeneous distribution of charges or surface sites, site in-
accessibility caused by coagulation or flocculation (formation of aggregates), clay
mineral dehydration, differences in cation hydration, and osmotic or extensive in-
terlayer swelling (see Chapters 5 and 13.2). A satisfactory explanation of hysteresis
effects is still lacking.
12.10.1. Ion Exchange Reactions 985