Soils develop from all types of rocks that occur at the earth surface, and almost
always contain clay minerals. The genetic printout of the clay is the key to tracing its
origin, the physicochemical factors affecting its formation, and the progressive
alteration with time (S
ucha et al., 2001).
When the age of soils in a chronosequence is approximately known, the clay
mineral transformations can be used to evaluate the effect of time on the genesis of
expandable clays as in podzolization (Gillot et al., 2000). Such transformations can
also support the resul ts of geological studies on tectonic movements and paleo-
weathering at a large regional scale. For example, the Alpine orogeny of the Iberian
Hercynian Massif is associated with general deep weathering before fossilization
occurs under a sedimentary cover (Vicente et al., 1997).
Wilson (1987) described a podzol smectite that is morphologically similar to
vermiculite, yielding a ‘single spot’ type of electron diffraction pattern. Based on
these assessments, Gillot et al. (2000) ascribed the production of clay particles of
various shape and size to dissolution and physical breakdown. The processes of
dissolution and fragmentation induce modulated structural changes.
According to Aoudjit et al. (1996) and Hardy et al. (1999) physical breakdown,
i.e., fragmentation and exfoliation without major chemical alteration, typically
produce short and thick particles (of biotite and chlorite). Being less susceptible to
weathering than biotite and chlorite, phengitic mica gives rise to relatively thin and
flexible particles (Gillot et al., 2000). The signature of the parent material indicates
evolution of phengite into beidellite through an alteration process which can be
described as a 2:1 solid-phase transformation without extensive dissolution or
chemical modification of the original structure (Vicente et al., 1997). The distinction
between beidellite and montmorillonite is based on the structural formula, using the
chemical composition deduced from AEM. The beidellite, formed by transformation
of phengite, is characterized by: (i) replacement of Al by Fe–Mg from the octahedral
phengitic sheet; (ii) a high layer charge, still partially saturated by K
from the mica
structure; and (iii) a specific arrangement of dense and rigid particles inherited from
the typical morphology of micas.
The smectite in close proximity to muscovi te pa rticles was classified as neoformed
(Vicente et al., 1997) but it could also arise from a similar transformati on process,
involving only slight local structural reorganization of the 2:1 network. Smectite is
also found in microsites, formed by precipitation of dissolution products of alu-
minosilicates such as plagioclase (Aoudjit et al., 1995).
In studying buried paleosols, Elsass et al. (1997) observed aggregates of
illite–smectite particles with two distinct morphologies, containing different propor-
tions of illite layers. HRTEM observations are not decisive regarding the origin of
variation within the illitic material. This may arise from burial diagenetic illitization
of smectitic material, or represent telogenic alteration of illitic clay by acid waters
penetrating down from the co al bed. In either case, it is an aggregate-by-aggregate
and not a fundamental particle-by-particle process, and cannot be explained by a
simple opening or collapse of interlayer spaces.
Chapter 12.8: Transmission Electron Microscopy956