534 G. Blatter and V.B. Geshkenbein
Hence, we have removed the anisotropy from the
gradient term but have reintroduced it in the mag-
netic energy term: in general it is not possible to
isotropize both terms in the Gibbs energy simulta-
neously. However, depending on the physical ques-
tion addressed, we can neglect fluctuations in the
magnetic field. Problems such as vortex pinning or
vortex lattice melting involve the coherence length
or the intervortex distance a
as their
natural length scales; in strongly type II supercon-
ductors (with ) or for large magnetic fields
(with a
< )thelengthscales and a
are small
compared to the scale of variations in the magnetic
field.In suchsituationsthe magnetic field is uniform
on the natural length scale of the problem and we
can adopt a mean-field decoupling scheme, where
we first minimize the magnetic field energy G
respect to
B and then insert the resulting uniform
field back into the free energy. More rigorously, let
us consider the case →∞or, equivalently, charge
e → 0. The coupling between the order parameter ¦
and the gauge field A is given by the gradient term
|[∇/i+(2e/c)A]¦ |
and vanishes in the limit e → 0.
The external magnetic field then merely fixes the av-
erage density of vortices.Hence the approach is exact
for the case of an uncharged superfluid.
Minimizing the magnetic field energy G
we ob-
B =("H
, "H
, H
), corresponding to B = H in
the original system. Thus in the rescaled system the
magnetic field is reduced to
B = "
B (12.165)
as compared to the field in the original system. For-
mally, the deviation between the direction of B and
H (cf. (12.28)) is beyond the scaling approach, as
the uniformity of the magnetic induction requires
. On the other hand, proper transfor-
mation of the free energy (12.54) to the anisotropic
situation allows for a correct derivation of the results
(12.58) and (12.59), see [224]); hence, depending on
the situation, the scaling rules might be used even
beyond their formal regime of applicability.
Next, let us transform energy and temperature:
Since the volume scales as
V = "
V (12.166)
all energies E and temperatures T scale as
E = "
E , T = "
T . (12.167)
The latter can be easily understood from the
invariance condition on the Boltzmann factor,
T)=exp(−G/T). An interesting subtlety
is the distinction between the microscopic temper-
ature entering the Ginzburg–Landau functional via
the parameter ˛ and the fluctuation temperature T
entering in the Boltzmann factor: The appearance of
an additional temperature dependence in the “effec-
tive Hamiltonian” (= Ginzburg–Landau functional)
is a consequence of the partial summation over mi-
croscopic degrees of freedom in the partition func-
tion when going over from the microscopic formula-
tion in terms of electronic degrees of freedom to the
phenomenological description in terms of the order
parameter ¦ . According to the above derivation it is
only the fluctuation temperature T determining the
statistical mechanics of the macroscopic wave func-
tion ¦ which is rescaled, whereas the microscopic
temperature determining the size of ˛ and hence of
, ,and remains unchanged.
Finally, when discussing vortex pinning in
anisotropic superconductors we will need the scal-
ing rule for the disorder: the latter is introduced into
the model via spatial disorder in the GL coefficient
˛(r) describing disorder in the transition tempera-
ture T
, and/or by spatial variation of the effective
mass m
(r) describing disorder in the mean free path
l. Usually, the disorder landscape is characterized by
a Gaussian distribution, e.g., ˛(r)=˛
+ ı˛(r)with
ı˛ =0andı˛(r)ı˛(r
) =
ı(r − r
),and simi-
larly for m
+ ım
) =
ı(r − r
We first concentrate on the scaling of T
In the isotropized system the correlator reads
ı ˜˛(˜r)ı ˜˛(˜r
) = ı˛[r(˜r)]ı˛[r(˜r
)] =(
/") ı(˜r −
), thus the disorder strength
scales as
= " ˜
The second type of disorder is generated by the spa-
tial variation ofthe mean free path[10,18] and can be
described by a variation of the effective masses m(r)
and M(r).For a layered superconductor, the disorder
in m and M is due to disorder within the conducting
plane and between adjacent planes, respectively, and
thus in general the two need not to be the same af-