23 Electronic Theory for Superconductivity 1467
As a result the quasiparticle effective mass m
hances in comparison to its value at ! =0.Our
results are in qualitative agreement with complex
optical conductivity results on underdoped Bi2212,
YBCO, and LSCO compounds [125].
23.4.3 Dynamical Spin Suscep tibility
An important quantity in our model is the dynam-
ical spin susceptibility, which is calculated in the
random-phase-approximation (RPA) for renormal-
ized Green’s functions, as discussed in the previous
section. Concerning the validity of the results ob-
tained by the model hamiltonian (see (23.6) and
(23.7)) one should remember that physically the
magnetic activity in the CuO
-planes results from
the Cu-spins (and the spin polarizations induced by
them into the p-band). The behaviour of the Cu-
magnetic momentsin the T–x plane (phase diagram)
need to be studied directly. One of the most impor-
cuprates.Due to the
nesting properties of the Fermi surface at the wave
vector Q both electron and hole-doped cupratesshow
an enhancement of the spin response at the antifer-
romagnetic wave vector, which is further augmented
by the RPA denominator. These antiferromagnetic
fluctuations induced by the itinerant carriers can be
characterized by the frequency !
of the spin fluctu-
ations where !
refers roughly to the peak position
in the dynamical spin susceptibility.
In Fig. 23.21 we show the results of our calcu-
lations for Im(Q, !) versus frequency at differ-
ent doping concentration. As one sees in the under-
doped cuprates Im shows a sharp peak and fol-
lows an Ornstein–Zernicke behavior. The position
of the peak defines the spin fluctuation frequency
.With increasing doping !
shifts towards larger
frequencies and the peak becomes less pronounced.
This agrees well with experimental data of INS. This
behavior is expected,since for increasing doping the
system goes away from the antiferromagnetic insta-
bility and therefore !
becomes larger. This, for ex-
ample, indicates that in the overdoped regime the
renormalization of the elementary excitations will be
isotropic at different parts of the Fermi surface,while
Fig. 23.40. Momentum dependence of the real part of
the spin susceptibility for the optimally electron-doped
cuprates Re(q, !) along the Brillouin zone route (0, 0) →
(, 0) → (, ) → (0, 0) at U /t =4,T = 100 K and
! =0(solid curve)and! = !
=0.47t (dashed curve).
The main contributions to the Cooper-pairing interaction
come from the wave vectors q
and Q
in optimally and underdoped materials the strongest
scattering takes place at the parts of the Fermi sur-
face that are connected by the wave vector (, )
(so-called “hot spots”). These results are consistent
with the behavior of the elementary excitations that
we have discussed previously.
What is the spin spectrum of the electron-doped
cuprates? As expected the electron-doped cuprates
demonstrate also the presence of the antiferromag-
netic fluctuationsatQ.Thisis seen in Fig.23.40where
we plotthe behavior of the Re(q, !) along the route
(0, 0) → (, 0) → (, ) → (0, 0) of the first BZ at
! =0and! = !
.InbothcasesRe yields a peak
at wave vector Q. However, this peak is much weaker
than in hole-doped cuprates due to the weaker nest-
ing properties of the corresponding Fermi surface.
The latter can be seen by analyzing the position of
in the electron-doped cuprates.While in hole-
doped cuprates at optimal doping it is of the order of
≈ 20 meV,
in the electron-doped cuprates it is approximately
≈ 60 meV.
Therefore, the effect of the spin fluctuations on the
elementary excitations will be weak in the electron-
doped cuprates. For example, since the energy scale