1496 D. Manske,I. Eremin, and K.H.Bennemann
that incommensurate antiferromagnetic spin fluctu-
ations are not helpful for triplet pairing and may re-
sultin theformation of line nodesbetween neighbor-
ing RuO
-planes. The relative simplicity of this com-
pound in comparison to heavy-fermion supercon-
ductors could make Sr
the model system where
further interesting and exciting physics (in partic-
ular regarding thermodynamical properties, effects
due to magnetic and non-magnetic impurities, etc.)
will be discovered.
23.6 Summary and Outlook
In this review we present a microscopic theory us-
ing a model Hamiltonian for the interactionbetween
quasiparticles and spin fluctuations. This is applied
to the layered cuprates and Sr
ity we assume that the electronic dynamics is es-
sentially controlled by the CuO
and RuO
For the description of singlet superconductivity in
the cuprates we employ a one-band model Hamilto-
nian.The interaction between the carriers (quasipar-
ticles) is described by an effective Coulomb coupling
U and the itinerancy of the carriers by a hopping in-
tegral t.In the case of hole doping the states of the ef-
fective band are mainly the hybridized p-states origi-
nating from the O-atoms.The spin fluctuations arise
from the magnetic activity of the Cu-spins and the
induced spin polarization of the p-states. In the case
of electron doping the effective one-band Hamilto-
nian describes the hybridized d-states of the UHB
and U is an effective coupling between the electrons
in these states. The spin fluctuations result from the
Cu-spins. Upon doping the Cu-spins are quenched
and the spin polarization of the band is reduced. We
assume itinerant magnetism for the carriers in the
Using this model we have found that the phase di-
agram, the symmetry of the superconducting order
parameter, and the behavior of the elementary and
spin excitations in hole-doped and electron-doped
cuprates can be largely understood.We have found a
particularly interesting behavior forthe underdoped
cuprates. (Note, however, that for smaller doping our
theory needs to be extended.) Due to strong scatter-
ing of quasiparticles by antiferromagnetic spin fluc-
tuations a “weak” pseudogap appears at the Fermi
level in the density of states. It increases with de-
creasing doping concentration. The spectral density
has different weightsfor holesand electrons.Cooper-
pair phase fluctuations in underdoped cuprates are
enhanced by the reduced dimensionality and also
since phase-incoherent Cooper-pairs do not over-
lap well, resulting in a small n
. These fluctuations
of phase-incoherent Cooper-pairs destroy the long-
range superconducting order and the Meissner ef-
fect. In conventional bulk superconductors this is
not relevant, since the large superfluid density leads
to a typical energy scale of phase fluctuations much
larger than the superconducting energy gap that
governs the thermal breaking of Cooper-pairs. Thus,
in conventional superconductors the superconduct-
ingtransitionisduetothe destructionof the Cooper-
pairs and T
is proportional to
∝ n
in underdoped hole-doped cuprates indicat-
ing that the phase fluctuations drive the transition.
The Cooper-pairs only break up at a crossover tem-
perature around T
, T
> T
. T
is approximately
givenbythe transitiontemperature onewouldobtain
without phase fluctuations. Between T
and T
Cooper-pairs without long-range phase coherence
may be present. Therefore, we conclude that we may
have a qualitative understanding of the phase dia-
gram in the cuprates. Furthermore,the important el-
ementary excitations and their interdependence with
spin excitations (resonance peak) can be well under-
stood within our theory. Our results also shed light
on the asymmetry of hole-doped and electron-doped
For describing triplet Cooper-pairing in Sr
we also employ a Hubbard Hamiltonian. In order to
derive an electronic theory we take the electronic
band structure of Sr
into account. Magnetic
activity arises from the itinerant electrons in the
Ru d-orbitals. Due to spin–orbit coupling a strong
magnetic anisotropy occurs (
mal state. This mainly results from different values
of the g-factor for the transverse and longitudinal
components of the spin susceptibility (i.e. the ma-
trix elements differ) and from a change of the bare
energy dispersion of the d-electrons. Obviously,this