322 Forms of Argument
Schematic characterizations of syllogistic forms are such familiar items
that we scarcely stop to ask how we understand them. I said a little
earlier that the signs and symbols which appear in matrixes are syn-
tactically determinate but semantically inert, that they are place-holders
or place-markers which do not themselves mean anything. No doubt that
is true of the items in a thoroughly modern matrix. But is it also true
of the signs and symbols which the ancient logicians employed? And
how, in any case, did the ancient logicians themselves understand their
I begin with a passage in Apuleius’ On Interpretation. The text contrasts
Peripatetic and Stoic schemata:
Thus in the Peripatetic fashion, by the use of letters, the first unproved … is this:
A of every B, and B of every C: therefore A of every C.
… The Stoics use numerals instead of letters, for example:
If the first the second; but the first: therefore the second.
(int xiii [212.4–12])⁴⁹
It is not merely that the Stoic symbols have the syntax of sentences and
represent assertibles whereas the Peripatetic symbols stand in for terms: in
addition, the Stoic schemata use numerals whereas the Peripatetic schemata
use letters. If in an Aristotelian text you find a sentence like ‘τὸ Α πάντι τῷ
Βὑπάρχει’, you should take the Greek capitals to indicate the first two letters
of the Greek alphabet. If in a Stoic text you find something like ‘εἰ τὸ Α,
τὸ Β’, you should take the Greek capitals to be the first two members of the
Greek ‘alphanumeric’ system—more particularly, you should construe them
as ordinal numerals. (One standard way of saying or writing ‘The first, the
second, the third, …’ in Greek was: ‘The alpha, the beta, the gamma, …’)
Although there is rather little positive evidence in support of Apuleius’
statement that the Stoics used numerals, there is no evidence against it, and
no one doubts it.
English translators of the Analytics invariably give ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, … rather
than ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘gamma’, … ; and perhaps Aristotle wrote ‘τὸ Α’ and the
⁴⁹ ut etiam Peripateticorum more per litteras … sit primus indemonstrabilis: A de omni B, et B de
omni C, igitur A de omni C. … Stoici porro pro litteris numeros usurpant, ut: si primum secundum,
atqui primum, secundum igitur.