548 General Index
homonymy 232, 460–462
hypotheses 79, 281, 353, 381, 519–520
hypothetical propositions, types
of 523–524
identity 401
‘if’ 197–198, 311–313, 316
individuation, of assertibles 46–48, 52–54,
55–56, 321
of connectors 218–219, 222–223
and embedding 230–231, 262
of poems 180
of sayings 29, 41, 50–51, 178–180, 229,
305, 511–513
of schemata 306–307
of syllogisms 320–321
of terms 496–498
indexes 48–49, 57–58
intuition 305–306
Law of Excluded Middle 509
and bivalence 75, 86–87, 89
Law of Non-Contradiction 49, 414
letters, algebraical 338, 345
geometrical 335–336, 342–343,
syllogistic 322–323, 330–347,
354–359, 450–451
as abbreviations 337–338, 355
and universality 338–347
logic, formal vs material 274–276,
formal vs symbolic 274
and physics 26–27, 38–39, 92
and proof 458–460, 490–491
repudiated 453
a science? 360–362
status of 452–457
a tool 451–452, 454–457, 457–463
logical constants 286
logical forms 276–280, 285–286
Lucius, on connectors 194, 232
Marius Victorinus, on syllogistic
connectors 259–260
Martianus Capella, on predicates 99
matrixes 307–314
matter and form in logic 277–280,
280–286, 483–487
Maximus, on perfection 377
meaning 116–117, 196–198, 496–498
modal logic 395–398, 463–487
uses of 463–464, 466–468, 482,
modal operators 483–485
modes, Stoic 268–269, 287–288, 323,
natural deduction 349
necessity 33, 471–472, 474–478
negation 23–24, 61–62, 63–64, 89
Nicostratus, critical of Aristotle 76
Nigidius Figulus, on connectors 246
nonsense 160, 334, 336–337
‘now’ 52–53
numerals, in logic 309, 322–330
oaths 76–79
omnitemporality 14–15
opinion 41–42
opposites 61–63, 69, 75–76, 292,
Organon 106–107, 123, 133–134, 152,
155, 459
paradoxes 20, 74
parrots, dead 461–462
participation 122, 124
parts of speech 174–175, 186–189,
vs parts of expression 233–235
past, unchangeable 33–36
perfection 378–384
and evidence 382–383, 385–386
Philo of Megara, on conditionals 476
Philoponus, on connectors 193
on dictum de nullo 390
on predication 150–152
on singular propositions 163–164
on status of logic 455–456
on syllogistic letters 339, 356–357
philosophy, parts of 450, 452–453
physics, and logic 26–27, 38–39, 92
Plato, and dialectic 449
on elements of language 204