550 General Index
schemata, vs circumscriptions 286–298
individuation of 305–307, 315
limitations of 310
and matrixes 307–314
predicative 298–307
self-evidence 3–4, 384–386
sentences, and sayings 179–180, 204–209
and truth-value 48–51
Simplicius, on Barbara 144–145
on changing truth-values 40–41
on matter and form in logic 281–282
singular propositions 154–167
and syllogisms 155–156, 158, 161–163,
and universal affirmatives 154–155, 162,
speech acts 4
Stoics, argue for bivalence 79–81
on Baroco 314–315
on causation 27
on changing truth-values 31–32
on connectors 181–182, 186, 258
and definition of syllogism 500–502
no modal logic 463
on opposites 61–62, 296–297
on predication 102–105, 139–140
on predicative syllogisms 434
on prepositions 190–191
on proper names 44
on tenses 12–13
on truth 67–70
on utility of dialectic 455–456
on validity 439–441
on verbs 9, 101–105
subalternation, law of 391
subjects, as expressions 108, 118–119
homogeneity with predicates 109–113,
118–119, 122, 158, 161
subordinate sciences 468
substances 39–40
subsyllogistic arguments 314–321
definition of, by Aristotle 487–488, 493,
505–506, 519
modification to 495, 500
definition, Stoic 500–502
vs forms of syllogism 273–274, 279–280
hypothetical 503–504, 519–520
predicative, apodictic 468, 472–74
complex 293, 363–364
figures of 278, 283, 377, 516
mixed 468
modal 17–18
non-canonical 299–301
perfect/imperfect 363, 376–378
potential 379, 381–382
primary? 373–378
problematic 466–468, 486–487
with two terms? 492–495
relational 265–266, 276, 420–424, 427,
431–432, 433–434
rhetorical 462, 504
types of 266–267, 483, 490–491
syllogistic, predicative 362–369
vs hypothetical 264–266, 270–272,
434–436, 503–506, 518–520
syllogistic, traditional, weakness
of 162–163
symbolic logic 168–169, 293, 308
synthetic theorem 498–500
T-sentences 127
tenses 6–14
compound 58–59
terms 121
and nouns and verbs 107–109
‘themata’ 501
Themistius, on perfection 377–378
Theophrastus, on co-assumptional
propositions 407–409
on compound predicates 130
on Darapti 302–303
on hypothetical syllogisms 518, 519
on parts of speech 233
on perfection 377
on problematic syllogisms 481–483
‘therefore’ 259–260, 262–263
timed vs timeless propositions 5, 14
time, tripartite or bipartite? 10–12, 14–16
truth, and assertibility 27–29
and causation 23–29, 61–64, 91–92
deflationary principles of 64–74, 82,
partial? 54–55, 62–63
and place 50, 51–52, 53–54, 57,
relational? 49–50
and time 52–53