332 Forms of Argument
function as subjects and what as predicates; and the locution ‘A is predicated
of B’—and perhaps, by a sort of natural extension, ‘A holds of B’—makes
the determination child’s play.
Perhaps it does. But then why use it only in setting out syllogistic
theory—why not use it also in actual syllogizing? Apuleius seems to present
a couple of matrixes—a couple of quartets of matrixes—for predicative
sentences, and Alexander in effect does the same. One of the matrixes brings
out the structure of a predicative syllogism more perspicuously than the other
does. And yet in syllogistic practice the more perspicuous matrix is scarcely
ever exemplified. Aristotle and his successors will normally say ‘A holds of
every B’ or ‘A is predicated of every B’ when they are engaged in syllogistic
theory—when, for example, they are engaged in proving the validity of a
given form of argument. But Aristotle will say, with the rest of us,
Every nice girl loves a sailor
rather than anything like
Item which loves a sailor holds of every nice girl.
So too will Alexander, and Uncle Tom Cobbley. Surely that is odd behaviour
on the part of logicians who believe that ‘A is predicated of every B’ is the
most perspicuous matrix for universal affirmative sentences?
Perhaps it would be if they did—but they don’t. The alleged oddity in
Peripatetic linguistic behaviour depends on the claim that ‘A is predicated of
every B’ was, in Peripatetic eyes, the most perspicuous matrix for universal
affirmatives. But no Peripatetic ever actually says that ‘A of every B’ is a
perspicuous matrix; for no ancient logician ever talks about matrixes as such.
Why, then, suppose that they really took it to be a perspicuous matrix? Well,
they certainly took it to be perspicuous, and isn’t it a matrix?
No: ‘A of every B’ is not a matrix for universal affirmative propositions.
It is not a matrix at all. Consider one of Aristotle’s principles of conversion:
E-style propositions convert, if no bird sings then no singing item is a bird, if
you interchange subject and predicate in a true E-predication then the result
is a true E-predication. Or, using Aristotelian letters:
Isn’t that a sentential matrix, a matrix which schematically represents the
principle of conversion? No, it is not a matrix. For no replacement of
the symbols ‘A’ and ‘B’ in it will produce an English sentence. Exactly
the same holds of the Greek and the Latin versions of the thing. And the
reason is simple and syntactical: any replacement of ‘A’ and of ‘B’ must
be at once a singular term (in order to precede ‘is predicated’) and also a