trated in Figure 10.5.1. Curved dies having different
radius are used while conducting a series of tests. Each
specimen of the series is bent around a die having a
smaller radius than the die used with the previous speci-
men. The tests are continued until the die radius is small
enough to cause cracking. Localized bending in the vicinity of the mol-
ten weld puddle is avoided by using auxiliary bending
plates to force the test specimen to conform to the die
contour. These plates are clamped into the edges of the
specimen and are bent along with the specimen. The
plates are made from rolled steel; their size is 1/2 in
(13 mm) thick by 2 in (50 mm) wide by 12 in (305 mm)
long. These auxiliary plates are illustrated in Figure
10.5.2. Auxiliary plates used with the mini-varestraint
test are 1/4 in (6 mm) thick. The bending force may be applied either
hydraulically or pneumatically. The design of the equip-
ment and method for bending depends on the individual
equipment builder. The augmented tangential strain for given
radius of curvature of the die block can be calculated
from the following formula:
e = augmented tangential strain (%),
T = specimen thickness, and
R = die block radius.
The typical range of augmented tangential strain is 0% to
4%. The required die radius for a given value of aug-
mented tangential strain can be calculated using the same
equation. Die block radii for the mini-varestraint test
are calculated in the same manner as for the varestraint
test. The overall size of the mini-varestraint die block
may be smaller as the test specimen is smaller.
10.5.6 Specimens. The varestraint test specimens are
rough sawed and machined to size. The specimen size is
2 in (50 mm) wide by 12 in (305 mm) long. The speci-
men size thickness is 1/4 in (6 mm) or 1/2 in (13 mm)
The mini-varestraint specimen is 1 in (25 mm) wide by
6 in (152 mm) long. Typical mini-varestraint specimen
thicknesses are in the range of 1/8 in (3 mm) to 1/4 in
(6 mm). The specimen surface on which the test weld
will be produced should be machined in the longitudinal
direction to a finish no rougher than 125 microinches
(3 micrometers) R
unless it is desired to simulate a sur-
face condition used in service.
10.5.7 Procedure The varestraint specimen is clamped in the
test fixture. Auxiliary bending plates, when needed to
facilitate bending, are clamped in the fixture with the
specimen. The removable die block of the desired radius
is fastened in the position shown in Figure 10.5.1. The
arc is initiated on the centerline of the specimen, approx-
imately 2 in (50 mm) from the specimen’s unclamped
end. The bending force (F) is suddenly applied as the
center of the arc passes Point A, which is near the point
of tangency between the curved surface of the die block
and the fixed end of the specimen. The specimen and
auxiliary bending plates are bent downward until the
specimen conforms to the radius of curvature of the top
surface of the die block. The rate of arc travel is constant
from its point of initiation to its point of termination in
the runoff area at location C. The bending load and the shielding gas flow
(if used) are maintained for five minutes after termina-
tion of the weld pass. The specimen then is removed
from the fixture for examination. The following test parameters shall be
(1) Number of Specimens. A minimum of three speci-
mens shall be tested under the same conditions at each
selected or required value of augmented tangential strain.
(2) Specimen Orientation. The specimen shall be
taken from the base metal so that the 12 in (305 mm)
dimension is parallel to the final direction of rolling or
major working unless the specimen used is a casting or if
service conditions in which a different orientation of roll-
ing direction are to be simulated.
(3) Weld Geometry. The weld puddle geometry is
kept constant when using the maximum crack length cri-
terion [see] for screening of materials.
10.5.8 Report The as-welded surface near Point A is exam-
ined for visual evidence of cracks at a magnification of
40X, 60X, or 80X. The locations of any HAZ or fusion-
zone cracks are shown schematically in Figure 10.5.3.
The length of each crack shall be measured to the nearest
0.001 in (0.025 mm) with a low-power microscope (40X,
60X, or 80X) containing a calibrated reticle in the eye-
piece. The test results that are reported shall include the
(1) The base-metal type, composition, thickness, and
(2) The percent augmented tangential strain;
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