10.4 Lehigh Restraint Test
10.4.1 Scope The Lehigh restraint test is used to create
quantitative data on solidification or hydrogen-assisted
cracking susceptibility of deposited weld metal. The
quantitative measure of weld crack susceptibility pro-
vided by this test is the degree of restraint required to
produce a weld metal crack. This standard is applicable to the following:
(1) Investigation of the cracking susceptibility of
base plate and weld metal materials, and
(2) Research and development. The use of this test is restricted as follows:
(1) The test is applicable only to base plate materials,
(2) A large amount of base metal is required,
(3) A series of specimens must be tested to obtain a
crack susceptibility index, and
(4) Significant specimen preparation is required. The following information shall be furnished:
(1) Weld Procedure (process and parameters),
(2) Base metal specification including actual chemi-
cal composition,
(3) Base metal thickness,
(4) Filler metal specification and chemical composi-
tion of deposited weld metal,
(5) Report form including specific data to be re-
corded and observations to be made, and
(6) Acceptance criteria (if any).
10.4.2 Normative References. The following standards
contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute mandatory provisions of this test. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced standard
shall apply. For dated references, subsequent amend-
ments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not
AWS Documents:
AWS A4.3, Standard Methods for Determination of
the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic,
and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding
10.4.3 Summary of Method A test weld is deposited in a machined
groove in a series of flat plate test specimens. Each spec-
imen of the series is designed to provide a different
amount of restraint to the test weld. Each test weld is examined for the presence
of weld metal cracks after the weld cools to room
temperature. The maximum amount of restraint that is
applied without the occurrence of weld metal cracking is
deemed the index of crack susceptibility for the particu-
lar combination of base metal, filler metal and welding
10.4.4 Significance This test is used to examine the susceptibility
of deposited weld metal to solidification or hydrogen-
assisted cracking. The important variables that can be
investigated using this test include the base-metal compo-
sition, the filler metal composition, preheating effect,
welding heat input, weld-bead size, and shape. The test has
been used primarily for investigating the effects of weld
and base-metal composition on cracking susceptibility.
10.4.5 Definitions and Symbols. Definitions for sym-
bols used in 10.4 are as follows:
I = distance from root of the saw cut slots to the
specimen centerline
2I = level of restraint
L = length of saw cut slot
10.4.6 Apparatus. Evaluation for the presence of cracks
may require the use of metallographic equipment to sec-
tion the test weld and prepare the section for metallurgi-
cal examination.
10.4.7 Specimens The specimen configuration is shown in Fig-
ure 10.4.1. The test weld (a single pass) is deposited in
the groove machined along the longitudinal centerline of
an 8 in (203 mm) by 12 in (305 mm) plate of the material
being examined. The weld is begun at one end of the
groove and is deposited continuously to the other end of
the groove. The restraint is provided by the mass of the
plate surrounding the groove. The level of restraint is
controlled by sawing slots along the sides and ends of the
plate. So that each specimen of the series will provide a
different level of restraint, each specimen will have slots
of a different length (L in Figure 10.4.1). All slots along
the sides of a given specimen will be the same length.
The slots on the specimen ends will be shorter than the
side slots, but all end slots will be of equal length. The level of restraint is inversely propor-
tional to the length of the slots and is expressed numeri-
cally as the distance between the ends of the slots (2I in
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