10.2 Cruciform Test
10.2.1 Scope The cruciform test is used to measure the
susceptibility to hydrogen-assisted cracking of steel
weldments, primarily focusing on fillet welds. While pri-
mary application is to evaluate base-metal composition,
the test also may be used to evaluate the effects of weld-
ing consumables, welding heat input and preheating,
postheating, or both, on cracking susceptibility. This standard is applicable to the following:
(1) Qualification of materials and welding proce-
dures where specific acceptance standards have been
(2) Information, basis of acceptance, or manufacturing
and quality control; and
(3) Research and development. The use of this test is restricted as follows:
(1) The test shall not be used for base metal less than
3/8 in (10 mm) thick, and
(2) Close control of the welding parameters is re-
quired as the results of this test may be affected more by
differences in parameters than in cracking susceptibility. The following information shall be furnished:
(1) Welding procedure (process and parameters);
(2) Base-metal specification/identification and actual
chemical composition;
(3) Filler metal specification/identification, size,
and any prewelding treatment, e.g., baking time and
(4) Appropriate preheating postheating treatments
(5) Acceptance criteria, if applicable; and
(6) The number of cross sections to be examined.
10.2.2 Normative References. The following standards
contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute mandatory provisions of this test. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced standard
shall apply. For dated references, subsequent amend-
ments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not
AWS Documents:
AWS A4.3, Standard Methods for Determination of
the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic,
and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding
10.2.3 Summary of Method. Figures applicable to this
test method are shown in Figures 10.2.1 through 10.2.7. The test specimen consists of three plates
tack welded at their ends to form a double T-joint (Figure
10.2.1). A variation of this test called the slotted cruci-
form may also be evaluated. In this variation of the cruci-
form test, the attached plate (plate B or C) contains
longitudinal and transverse notches that are machined on
the edge of the plate as shown in Figure 10.2.3. A single or multipass fillet weld is deposited
in succession in each of the four T-joints. Each test weld
is allowed to cool to ambient temperature prior to depos-
iting the subsequent weld. After the fourth weld is com-
pleted, the specimen is given any specified postweld
treatment. The completed welds are examined visually
for any external cracks. The standard cruciform speci-
men is sectioned transversely for metallographic exami-
nation for hydrogen cracks. The slotted cruciform
specimen is sectioned longitudinally and transversely for
metallographic examination for hydrogen cracks as
shown in Figure 10.2.2. Some additional longitudinal sectioning will
also be required for portions of the slotted cruciform as
discussed in The recommended base plate thickness for
the slotted cruciform test specimen is 3/4 in (19 mm).
Thicker plate may also be used (depending on the appli-
cation being simulated). The two surfaces of the continu-
ous plate are ground to bright metal prior to assembly.
The mating edges of the attached plates B and C are
machined flat prior to assembly. This is essential to
insure intimate contact and good heat transfer between
these surfaces during welding of the assembled speci-
men. For the slotted cruciform test, notches (or slots) are
machined on the edge of one of the attached plates as
shown in Figure 10.2.3. The assembly is tack welded
together prior to the test. Sectioning for the slotted cruciform will
involve sectioning transverse to the direction of welding
for the longitudinal notches and parallel to the direction
of welding for the transverse notches. Schematic illustra-
tions of the sectioning for the longitudinal and transverse
notches are given in Figures 10.2.4 and 10.2.5. The cut
for the transverse notch is shown in Figure 10.2.5. The
cut for the longitudinal notch is shown in Figure 10.2.4. For the standard cruciform specimen, sections
(Figure 10.2.2) are cut transversely from the test weldments.
For the slotted cruciform specimen, sections (Figure 10.2.6)
are cut longitudinally and transversely. Use of a water-
cooled cut-off wheel is recommended where practical.
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