Shock-resistant tool steel such as S1 is also used for the cold heading of tools, especially for the heading of intricate
shapes when a tool steel such as W1 has failed by cracking. The shock-resistant steels are generally lower in hardness
than preferred for maximum resistance to wear, but it is often necessary to sacrifice some wear resistance to gain
resistance to cracking.
Producing bolts that have square portions under the heads or dished heads or both can result in tool failure. Under these
conditions, a change in grade of steel for the tools is sometimes mandatory.
Cold Heading
Preparation of Work Metal
The operations required for preparing stock for cold heading may include heat treating, drawing to size, machining,
descaling, cutting to length, and lubricating.
Heat Treating. The cold-heading properties of most steels are improved by process annealing, spheroidizing, or stress
relieving. In general, process annealing is done at the steel mill on steels with low-to-medium carbon content. Additional
heat treatment is not used unless required, for at least two reasons:
• The process could cost more than any savings realized in cold heading
• Cold-headed products often depend for
their final strength on work hardening before and during the
heading process, and if reannealed before cold heading, they may lose much of their potential strength
Carbon steels (1000 series) with up to about 0.25% C are usually cold headed in the mill-annealed condition as received
from the steel supplier. If the heading is severe, they can be reannealed at some stage in the heading operations, but they
are rarely given a full anneal before cold heading. Carbon steels (1000 series) with 0.25 to 0.44% are also mill annealed.
However, because higher carbon content decreases workability, they are sometimes normalized or annealed above the
upper transformation temperature; more frequently, a spheroidizing treatment is used. Carbon steels that contain more
than 0.44% C, most modified carbon steels (1500 series), and all alloy steels are fully spheroidized. Heat-treating methods
for steels and nonferrous metals are described in Heat Treating, Volume 4 of the ASM Handbook. In practice, experience
often indicates the need for annealing or spheroidizing to prevent cracking of the work metal or to obtain acceptable tool
life or both.
Drawing to size produces stock of uniform cross section that will perform as predicted in dies that have been carefully
sized to fill out corners without flash or die breakage. Drawing to size also improves strength and hardness when these
properties are to be developed by cold work and not by subsequent heat treatment.
Turning and Grinding. Drawn wire can have defects that carry over into the finished workpiece, exaggerated in the
form of breaks and folds. Seams in the raw material that cause these defects may not be deep enough to be objectionable
in the shank or body of a bolt, but can cause cracks in the head during cold heading or subsequent heat treatment. Surface
seams and laps can be removed by turning, grinding, or shaving at the wire mill or by machining the headed product.
Descaling. Work metal that has been heat treated usually needs to be descaled before cold heading. Scale can cause lack
of definition, defects on critical surfaces, and dimensional inaccuracy of the workpiece.
Methods of descaling include abrasive blasting, water jet blasting, pickling, wire brushing, and scraping. Selection of
method depends largely on the amount of scale present and on the required quality of the surfaces on the headed
workpieces. Acid pickling is usually the least expensive method for complete removal of heavy scale (see the articles on
surface engineering of specific metals in Surface Engineering, Volume 5 of the ASM Handbook).
Cutting to Length. In a header that has a shear-type cutoff device as an integral part of the machine, cutting to length
by shearing is a part of the sequence. In applications in which cutting to length is done separately, shearing is the method
most commonly used for bars up to about 50 mm (2 in.) in diameter (see the article "Shearing of Bars and Bar Sections"
in this Volume). For larger diameters, sawing is generally used. Gas cutting and abrasive-wheel cutting are used less often
than shearing and sawing.