In Example 15, changing from a viscous mineral oil to a low-viscosity mineral oil blend of a chlorinated wax eliminated
wrinkling and galling. Sometimes, however, there is no substitute for the physical separation and equalization of pressure
provided by pigments, as in Example 16.
Example 15: Effect of Reducing Viscosity and Adding Chlorinated Wax to
Mineral Oil Lubricant in Deep Drawing.
A coffeepot was deep drawn from a type 302 stainless steel blank, 355 mm (14 in.) in diameter by 0.81 mm (0.032 in.)
thick, in two deep draws and one bulging operation. At first, the blanks were lubricated by brushing both sides with
mineral oil having a viscosity of 6000 SUS at 40 °C (100 °F). The workpiece wrinkled in the first draw, and it galled in
the second draw and in bulging.
The lubricant was replaced with a thinner mineral oil (viscosity: 500 SUS at 40 °C, or 100 °F) that was fortified with a
chlorinated wax. The lubricant was brushed on, as before. Not only did the use of the modified lubricant eliminate the
wrinkles in the first draw, but enough lubricant remained on the surface to prevent galling in the two other operations.
Even though a fluid of much lower viscosity was used, the tenacity imparted by the chlorinated wax permitted the
retention of sufficient lubricant for the subsequent bulging and deep-drawing operations.
Example 16: Pigmented Paste Versus Chlorinated Oil for Deep Drawing.
For easy cleaning in a vapor degreaser, highly fortified oils were specified for the deep drawing of a rectangular shell
from 0.89 mm (0.035 in.) thick type 304 stainless steel. Chlorinated and sulfochlorinated oils with viscosities of 4000 to
20,000 SUS at 40 °C (100 °F) failed to eliminate welding to the dies and splitting of the workpiece at the corners. The
shell, a well for a steam table, was deep drawn from a rectangular blank measuring 760 × 585 mm (30 × 23 in.) with
corners trimmed at 45°. The shell was drawn in one operation, and the flange was then trimmed. Interior dimensions of
the drawn shell were 510 × 305 × 150 mm (20 × 12 × 6 in.). Bottom corners had 16 mm (
in.) radii; vertical corners, 29
mm (1
in.) radii; and the flange, a 6.4 mm (
in.) radius. The shell had approximately 3° taper on each side. The
clearance between the punch and die was equal to the stock thickness.
The oil-type lubricant was replaced with a highly pigmented water-miscible fatty paste, diluted with two parts of water,
which was applied to both sides of each blank by rollers. This lubricant eliminated the welding and allowed enough metal
flow to prevent splitting. The drawn parts were cleaned with hot alkaline solution in a soak tank.
Lubricant Location. The location of the lubricant on the blank is also critical in the successful fabrication of a drawn
part. Because all draws are made up of a combination of stretching and deep drawing, the lubricant location often depends
on which type of forming is dominant. In a stretch condition, lubricant should especially be applied on the steel surface
contacting the punch so that friction is minimized and the steel slips over the punch surface during stretching and
thinning. Under deep-draw conditions, the steel surface contacting the die is definitely lubricated in order to allow ease of
movement into the die cavity. However, whether stretch or deep drawing dominates, some lubricant is necessary on both
steel surfaces to minimize the galling tendencies of stainless alloys.
Drawing Cylindrical Parts. When a part is made in several drawing operations, the amount of reduction in redrawing
is related to the condition of the metal in the first drawing operation (cupping). If the material is highly stressed because
of excessive blankholder pressure or because of small die radius, very little reduction can be made in the second
General practice on the more formable grades of austenitic stainless steel is to allow 40 to 45% reduction in the first
operation, followed by a maximum of 30% in the second operation, if the workpiece is not annealed between draws. With
an anneal, the second reduction is usually 30 to 40%. On some parts, it may be preferable to spread the reduction over
four draws before annealing--for example, successive reductions of 35, 30, 20, and 10%.
There is usually a decrease in drawability upon redrawing, and the greatest total reduction in a two-draw operation is most
often produced by having the first-stage reduction as large as possible. During redrawing, it is advisable to use a tapered
or rounded-end internal blankholder or sleeve to allow easy flow of metal into the die, as indicated in the article "Deep