To start a cut at the edge of a plate, the edge of the preheat flame is placed just over the plate edge to heat the material.
When the plate heats to red, the cutting oxygen is turned on, and the torch moves over the plate to start the cut.
During cutting, oxygen and fuel gas flow through separate lines to the cutting torch at pressures controlled by pressure
regulators, adjusted by the operator. The cutting torch contains ducts, a mixing chamber, and valves to supply an oxyfuel
gas mixture of the proper ratio for preheat and a pure oxygen stream for cutting to the torch tip. By adjusting the control
valves on the torch handle or at the cutting machine controller, the operator sets the precise oxyfuel gas mixture desired.
Depressing the cutting oxygen lever on the torch during manual operation initiates the cutting oxygen flow. For machine
cutting, oxygen is normally controlled by the operator at a remote station or by numerical control. Cutting tips have a
single cutting oxygen orifice centered within a ring of smaller oxyfuel gas exit ports. The operator changes the cutting
capacity of the torch by changing the cutting tip size and by resetting pressure regulators and control valves. Because
different fuel gases have different combustion and flow characteristics, the construction of cutting tips, and sometimes of
mixing chambers, varies according to the type of gas.
Oxyfuel gas flames initiate the oxidation action and sustain the reaction by continuously heating the metal at the line of
the cut. The flame also removes scale and dirt that may impede or distort the cut.
The rate of heat transfer in the workpiece influences the heat balance for cutting. As the thickness of the metal to be cut
increases, more heat is needed to keep the metal at its ignition temperature. Increasing the preheat gas flow and reducing
the cutting speed maintain the necessary heat balance.
Oxygen flow must also be increased as the thickness of the metal to be cut increases. To maintain a steady-state reaction
at a satisfactory cutting speed, the velocity and volume, as well as the shape of the oxygen jet, must be closely controlled.
Because the cutting-oxygen jet is surrounded by preheating flames, it is affected by these gases and the surrounding
atmosphere. The jet must have sufficient volume and velocity to penetrate the depth of the cut and still maintain its shape,
force, and effective oxygen content. There is also a relationship between the purity of the cutting oxygen and the time
required for oxidation. This invariably has an influence on the ultimate cutting speed.
Quality of Cut. The limits within which the cutting reaction can effectively operate are determined by many factors
besides those mentioned. Oxyfuel gas cutting involves control of more than twenty variables. Suppliers of cutting
equipment provide tables that give approximate gas pressures for various sizes and styles of cutting torches and tips,
along with recommended cutting speeds; these are the variables that the operator can control. Other variables include type
and condition (scale, oil, dirt, flatness) of material, thickness of cut, type of fuel gas, and quality and angle of cut. (When
not otherwise defined, a cut is usually taken to mean a through or "drop" cut, made in horizontal plates with the cutting tip
in the vertical position.)
Higher cutting speeds with good cut quality are obtained during the oxyfuel process using a special tip and torch
configuration that provides a curtain of oxygen around the cutting oxygen. The protective curtain maintains a higher level
of cutting oxygen purity, which speeds up the oxidation process. Cutting speeds can be increased by approximately 25%
for thicknesses up to 25 mm (1 in.).
When dimensional accuracy and squareness of the cut edge are important, the operator must adjust the process to
minimize the kerf (the width of metal removed by cutting) and to increase the smoothness of the cut edge. Careful
balancing of all cutting variables helps attain a narrow kerf and smooth edge. The thicker the work material, the greater
the oxygen volume required and, therefore, the wider the cutting nozzle and kerf.
Process Capabilities
Oxyfuel gas cutting processes are primarily used for severing carbon and low-alloy steels. Other iron-base alloys and
some nonferrous metals can be oxyfuel gas cut, although process modification may be required and cut quality may not
be as high as is obtained in cutting the more widely used grades of steel. High-alloy steels, stainless steels, cast iron, and
nickel alloys do not readily oxidize and therefore do not provide enough heat for a continuous reaction. As the carbon and
alloy contents of the steel to be cut increase, preheating or postheating, or both, often are necessary to overcome the effect
of the heat cycle, particularly the quench effect of cooling.
Some of the high-alloy steels, such as stainless steel, and cast iron can be cut successfully by injecting metal powder
(usually iron) or a chemical additive into the oxygen jet. The metal powder supplies combustion heat and breaks up oxide
films. Chemical additives combine with oxides to form lower temperature melting products that flush away.