The nomographs given in Fig. 2 are used in two steps to determine if and when a mandrel is required and which specific
type will suffice. In nomograph A, the first step is to find the tube ratio and the bend ratio in the left-hand and center
scales and to lay a straightedge across them. The zone on the right-hand scale where the straightedge falls shows whether
or not a mandrel is required, and which type. Bends for which D/t is more than 40 always require a multiball mandrel.
If a multiball mandrel is indicated, step two requires the user to refer to nomograph B in Fig. 2. As before, the tube ratio
and the bend ratio are located in the left-hand and center scales and a straightedge is laid across them. The number of balls
needed in the multiball mandrel will be indicated on the right-hand scale.
Plug and formed mandrels are fixed, and the tube is drawn over the tip of the mandrel in forming. This action work
hardens the tube so that it resists flattening during bending. Clearance between the mandrel and the inside of the tube
should not be more than 20% of the wall thickness. If the mandrel is too tight, the tube is likely to fail in the bend.
Mandrels are necessary in tubes other than round in order to avoid distortion of the cross section. The use of plug and
formed mandrels is shown in the following two examples.
Example 3: Use of a Plug Mandrel in Bending Welded Low-Carbon Steel Pipe.
A short length of 19 mm ( in.) pipe (26.67 mm, or 1.050 in., OD by 2.87 mm, or 0.113 in., wall) of welded low-carbon
steel was bent 90° to a 50 mm (2 in.) radius. Despite the thick wall, the small bend radius made it necessary to use a plug
mandrel to support the pipe against flattening. Other tools used were a form block, a clamp, and a pressure die.
The bending machine was a power-driven rotary draw bender rated for a maximum of 25 mm (1 in.) extra-strong
seamless low-carbon steel pipe (33.40 mm, or 1.315 in., OD by 4.55 mm, or 0.179 in., wall). The bends were made at the
rate of 300 per hour.
Example 4: Bending Oval Tubing With a Formed Mandrel.
Oval tubing measuring 25 × 111 mm (1 × 4 in.) in outside dimensions and with a wall thickness of 1.65 mm (0.065 in.)
was bent on edge to make a U-shape with two 90° bends at 229 mm (9 in.) radius. The tubing was welded hot-rolled low-
carbon steel. Wrinkles, shear marks, or other visible defects were not permitted.
The bends were made in a draw bender rated for 89 mm (3 in.) OD by 2.10 mm (0.083 in.) wall thickness steel tubing
with 276 MPa (40 ksi) yield strength. This piece, bent with a formed mandrel, form block, clamp, and pressure die,
demanded the full rated torque of the machine. The mandrel was lubricated. The bends were made at a rate of 250 per
Ball mandrels with one or more balls are used for many bends. During bending, the metal is stretched tightly over the
mandrel, making withdrawal difficult. Withdrawal mechanisms are needed. In thin-wall tubing of softer metals, as the
mandrel is withdrawn it sizes the bend somewhat, smoothing the stretched metal and correcting the shape of the cross
The bodies and balls of one-ball mandrels used on most tubing are commonly made of carburized low-carbon steel,
hardened, ground, and polished. For the bending of stainless steels, they are made of polished aluminum bronze.
One-ball mandrels used in the bending of tubes up to 32 mm (1 in.) in outside diameter generally have a body that is
undersize 0.13 to 0.18 mm (0.005 to 0.007 in.), with a ball 0.25 to 0.36 mm (0.010 to 0.014 in.) smaller than the inside
diameter of the tube. Square or shaped tubes require a mandrel that fits closer. If the bends are in one plane, the body and
the ball of the mandrel can be grooved to clear weld flash or seams. More commonly, a mandrel is made undersize to
clear the obstruction. When the workpiece must be bent in several planes, it can be reinserted with the seam in the groove,
but it is usually better to specify tubing with a controlled weld flash.
Ball mandrels are often made with several balls, as shown in Fig. 1. The balls or segments are always smaller than the
body, and they can be jointed by links and pins, ball joints, or steel cable. A linked or jointed mandrel is usually stronger
than a comparable mandrel joined by steel cable. The linked mandrel bends in only one plane and is easier to load than
one that is less rigid. The ball-jointed mandrel is also in wide use, and it has the advantage of having rotating balls to