Definition and properties 301
Proof. Note first that D ⊂ S . Let now T ∈ S
be a tempered distribution; it acts
on any test functi on ϕ ∈ S and hence, a fortior i, on any function ϕ ∈ D, so T can
be restricted to a linear functional on D.
Moreover, if (ϕ
converges to 0 in D, it converges also to 0 in S by the
definition of those two convergences, so 〈T , ϕ
〉 tends to 0 in C. This shows that T is
continuous, and hence that T ∈ D
Now let us look for examples of tempered distributions.
Let f be a locally integrable function, which increases at most like a power
function |x|
, where k is some fixed integer, i.e., we have f (x) = O(|x|
) in
the neighborhood of ±∞. T hen for any function ϕ which decays rapidly, the
f ϕ exists. The map
ϕ ∈ S 7−→
f (x) ϕ(x) dx
is also linear, of course, and continuous — which t he reader is invited to check.
Therefore, it defines a tempered distribution, also denoted f .
DEFINITION 11.5 (Slowly increasing function) A function f : R → C is
slowly increasing if it increases at most like a power of |x| at infinity
PROPOSITION 11.6 Any loca lly integrable slowly increasing function defines a
regular tempered distribution.
Exercise 11.1 Let T be a tempered distribution. Show that for any k ∈ N, x
T and T
are also tempered distributions.
Exercise 11.2 Show that th e distribution exp(x
) X(x) is not tempered.
(Solution page 326)
11.1.b Fourier transform of tempered distributions
Let T be a tempered distribution. For ϕ ∈ S , that is, for a C
which is rapidly decaying, and with all its derivatives also rapidly decaying,
the Fourier transform F [ϕ] is also in the space S (Theorem 10.32). H ence
the quantity
T , F [ϕ]
is defined and, consequently, it is possible to define
the Fourier transform of T .
THEOREM 11.7 Any tempered distribution has a Fourier transform in the sense of
distributions, which is also tempered.
Remark 11.8 Does the Fourier transform of tempered distributions defined in this manner
coincide with the Fourier transform of functions, in the case of a regular distribution?
A slowly increasing function, multiplied by a rapidly decaying function, is therefore inte-
grable; the terminology is coherent!