V.10. Integrable systems, action–angle variables 237
The partial differential equation is an analytically very subtle boundary value prob-
lem for periodic boundary condition. Solutions can be constructed by means of
powerful iteration methods, called KAM theory. The acronym KAM stands for
Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser. The KAM theory guarantees not only one, but an
abundance of such invariant tori for the vector field X
, under suitable conditions
on the smoothness of H and the smallness of the perturbation h
. The set of all
these invariant tori form a set of positive Lebesgue measure in T
D which, how-
ever, is nowhere dense in T
D, so that the complement of this set of stable orbits
for n 3 is connected. It immediately follows that perturbed integrable systems
cannot be ergodic, as the famous physicist E. Fermi has claimed. So far, the system
still looks like an integrable system, at least as far as the measure is concerned.
However, in the complement of the set of invariant KAM tori something com-
pletely different happens under the perturbation. Here the invariants and stability
properties break down and unstable phenomena show up generically. They can
give rise to a slow so-called Arnold diffusion through the phase space and even to
escaping solutions.
That in the Hamiltonian systems near integrable systems stable and unstable
orbits coexist and cannot be separated from each other is best illustrated by the
celebrated sketch due to V. I. Arnold and A. Avez in their book [8]. It demonstrates
vividly the complexity of the orbit structure of a smooth nonlinear area preserving
diffeomorphism ' near an elliptic fixed point in the plane R
. As explained in
Section VIII.5 such a map arises, for example, as a transversal section map of a
stable periodic orbit on the 3-dimensional energy surface of a Hamiltonian system.
Instead of studying nearby solutions for all times one can, just as well, study all the
iterates of the section map.
The elliptic fixed point 0 at the center of Figure V.4 is surrounded by smooth
closed curves which are close to circles and which are invariant under the map '.
Their existence was established by J. Moser, 1962, in [70]. For a recent proof in
the analytic case we point out [62] by M. Levi and J. Moser. On every invariant
curve the map is conjugated to the rigid rotation of a circle by an irrational rotation
which depends on the curve. These invariant curves represent the stable part of
the map ' and fill out a Cantor set of relatively large measure and reflect the fact
that in a neighborhood of the elliptic fixed point the map ' is close to an integrable
map. One concludes, in particular, that the fixed point is topologically stable.
However, between these invariant curves one sees generically orbits of elliptic and
hyperbolic periodic points. Taking a closer look, one discovers that the stable and
unstable invariant manifolds issuing from the hyperbolic periodic points intersect
transversally in homoclinic points. Recalling the discussion in Chapter III, the
homoclinic points give rise to invariant hyperbolic sets for higher iterates of the
map ', near which the unstable and unpredictable orbit structure is described by
means of topological Bernoulli systems. The elliptic fixed point is a cluster point
of homoclinic points. The picture is repeated near the elliptic periodic orbits for