27.3 Limitations of deterministic predictability of the atmosphere 685
the numerical model as possible. Methods have been proposed for producing an
objective analysis by statistically extracting the maximum amount of information
from observations, climatological data, spatial correlations between meteorological
variables, and other available data. This type of procedure, known as the optimum
interpolation, requires knowledge of the statistical structure of the fields of meteo-
rological variables. Nevertheless, upon completion of the objective analysis, mass
and motion fields are still not precisely balanced.
Naturally, questions about the sensitivity of the weather-prediction model arise
due to uncertainties in the parameterized interaction with neighboring scales, the
uncertainties in the initial conditions, and the particular properties of the numerical
scheme. In other words, for what prediction time interval is the deterministic
character of the model equations prevalent before the nondeterministic elements
begin to dominate the prediction? We can well imagine that there must be limitations
to deterministic predictability, which vary from one mathematical model to the next.
In the remaining part of this chapter we will investigate the uncertainties in the
initial conditions.
Among various attempts to investigate the predictability of the atmosphere,
Lorenz (1969) modeled the atmosphere with the help of the divergence-free
barotropic vorticity equation in which the horizontal velocity is expressed in terms
of the stream function. Assuming “exact” initial conditions and ignoring possible
errors due to the numerical procedure, the solution of this deterministic equation
should result in an “exact” deterministic prediction over an arbitrarily long period
of time. Exact initial conditions, however, do not exist, so the predicted fields
are expected to be at variance with nature after a certain time span. Moreover,
it should be realized that the model equations are too simple to approximate the
actual atmospheric behavior over an extended time period.
To simulate the effect of uncertainties in the initial conditions, two predictions
may be carried out. The first prediction uses initial conditions that are defined to
be exact. The prediction on the basis of the model equations is deterministic and
“exact,” thus correctly representing the nature of the model. The second prediction
uses somewhat different initial conditions, which simulate imperfect measurements
and other errors. After a longer prediction time the results differ so much that, even
on the largest scales, they are not even similar. In fact, Lorenz showed that, on the
basis of hardly discernible differences in the initial conditions of the subsynoptic
scales, but identical initial conditions in the synoptic scale, after three weeks of
prediction time the two forecasts were so different that they could not be compared
in a reasonable way. We may conclude from this numerical investigation that
the atmosphere has forgotten the initial conditions altogether after a time span
of no more than four weeks. The short memory of the atmosphere is caused by
the nonlinear interactions taking place, which are accompanied by a propagation