680 Predictability
σ<b+ 1 and r>1, (ii) σ>b+ 1 and 1 <r<r
Both conditions can be readily understood. The parameter r must be larger than
1 so that the fixed points C
and C
can exist. (i) For σ<b+1 there is no positive
value of r to satify (27.45). (ii) σ>b+ 1 causes equation (27.45) to be positive
but the value of r is still less than the critical value r
In meteorological terms, stationary convection rolls remain stable as long as
either condition is satified. For large enough Rayleigh numbers the convection
becomes unstable. If the critical value r
is exceeded then the real parts λ
of the
eigenvalues λ
will be positive and irregular convective motion takes place, and
the so-called deterministic chaos may occur.
Following Lorenz, we study the particular case σ = 10. Selecting a
find from (27.24) b =
= 24.74. Hence, on choosing r = 28, which is just
past the Hopf bifurcation, we expect something strange to happen. Steady-state con-
vection may be calculated from (27.29) to give (X
) = (6
2, 6
2, 27) and
2, −6
2, 27) while the state of no convection corresponds to (X
) =
(0, 0, 0).
As we know, the complete set (27.24) cannot be integrated by analytic methods.
Nonstationary solutions can be found only numerically. Lorenz began integrating
from the initial condition (0, 1, 0) which is close to the saddle point at the origin. The
result is depicted in Figure 27.2. The trajectory starts near the origin and immedi-
ately swings to the right and then dives into the center of the spiral on the left. From
there the trajectory spirals outward very slowly and then, all of a sudden, shoots
back over to the right-hand side. There it spirals around, and so on indefinitely. The
number of circuits made on either side varies unpredictably from one cycle to the
next one. The spiral leaves of the attractor simulate rising and descending air of
the convective motion.
Figure 27.2 shows what is now called a strange or chaotic attractor. The strange
attractor consists of an infinite number of closely spaced sheets having zero volume
but an infinite surface area. Numerical experiments have shown that the fractional
dimension of the Lorenz attractor is about 2.06 if the Hausdorff definition is applied.
The fractional dimension of the strange attractor implies a fractional structure of
many length scales. If one magnifies a small part of the strange attractor, new
substructures will emerge.
Figure 27.3 shows as an example the evolution of Y versus t
. After reaching an
early peak, irregular oscillations persist as time increases. Since the motion never
repeats exactly, we speak of aperiodic motion.
Let us now consider the importance of Lorenz’s discoveries for weather predic-
tion. The character of chaotic dynamics can be recognized very easily by imagining
that the system is started twice but from slightly different initial conditions. We