23.9 The Philipps approximation of the ageostrophic component 613
Fig. 23.8 A schematic interpretation of the confluence effect, term v
(III) of equation
isolines of ∂φ/∂t may be relabelled as isallobars, which are isolines of ∂p/∂t or
vice versa.
The term −(1/f
) ∇
(∂φ/∂t) is known as the isallobaric or the Brunt–Douglas
wind after the two scientists who first formulated this expression in the year 1928.
23.9.3 The confluence and diffluence effect
This kinematic effect is best demonstrated for regions of confluence and diffluence,
which must not be confused with regions of convergence and divergence. Conflu-
ence and diffluence refer to converging and diverging contour lines or isobars. Let
us consider an air parcel moving from the west to the east; see Figure 23.8. We
assume that initially the wind is in geostrophic balance. As the air approaches a
region with a stronger geopotential gradient, the geopotential gradient force −∇
will exceed the Coriolis force so that the ageostrophic component is directed
toward the low pressure; see point A of Figure 23.8. Let us assume that, at the
point B, the geostrophic balance has been restored so that v
(III) = 0. Because
the air is approaching a region with a weaker geopotential gradient, the Coriolis
force exceeds the geopotential gradient force, so the ageostrophic wind is directed
toward the higher pressure; see point C of Figure 23.8. In summary, in a region of
confluence the ageostrophic wind is directed toward the low pressure, whereas in
a region of diffluence the ageostrophic wind is directed toward the high pressure.
This effect is known as the confluence and diffluence effect.
23.9.4 The curvature effect
The fourth term on the right-hand side describes the so-called curvature effect
and is schematically illustrated in Figure 23.9. The Laplacian of φ is negative in