19.4 The coordinate simplification 539
19.4 The coordinate simplification
In this section we wish to briefly review and elaborate the discussion on the
geopotential presented in Section 1.6. From the physical point of view it would
be desirable to replace the spherical coordinate system which we have used to
describe the atmospheric motion by another orthogonal coordinate system. This
new coordinate system should be adapted to the force fields of the rotating earth
in such a way that the vertical coordinate q
should follow the force lines resulting
from the gravitational attraction of the earth and from the centrifugal force.
In this system surfaces q
= constant would coincide with surfaces of constant
geopotential φ = φ
ϕ), which may be well approximated by a
rotational ellipsoid of very small eccentricity. Such a surface φ = constant would
be the earth’s surface if it were not rigid, but instead had a freely movable surface
mass such as water, and if it were subjected only to the gravitational pull of the
earth and to the centrifugal force. The analytic consequence of this special idealized
surface would cause the horizontal derivatives of the geopotential to vanish.
Such an ideal coordinate system to describe the atmospheric motion would be a
spheroidal coordinate system, which is characterized by a rather complicated metric
tensor. The description of the metric fundamental quantities would then require the
specification of the geocentric latitude, see Figure 1.3, and the eccentricity of the
earth. Moreover, hyperbolic functions would arise in the description of the g
instead of the trigonometric functions appearing in (19.1). However, the difference
between the geographical and the geocentric latitude is very small and it would
be very impractical to introduce an elliptic coordinate system to describe the flow
instead of the simple spherical coordinate system we have used so far. For this
reason we will continue to use the spherical coordinate system, but we retain the
advantage of the elliptic system by assuming that, in the relevant section of the
atmosphere, surfaces of φ = constant coincide with surfaces of r = constant.
Thus, the horizontal derivatives vanish:
= 0,
= 0 =⇒ φ = φ(r)(19.26)
Furthermore, we may assume that, in the region relevant to atmospheric weather
systems, the geopotential is a linear function of q
= r:
φ = gr + constant (19.27)
From this it follows that
= g (19.28)
wherewetakeg = 9.81 m s
as a sufficiently representative value. We will call
the approximations (19.26)–(19.28) the coordinate simplification.