554 The stereographic coordinate system
(19.15). In contrast to this, the tan ϕ term does not appear in the stereographic
coordinate system. It should be observed that this term does not appear in the
covariant geographical system (19.11) either. This is certainly an advantage of the
covariant geographical system over the contravariant formulation.
Suppose that we wish to evaluate the system (19.15) numerically by using finite-
difference methods. The longitudinal term ∂/∂q
= (1/r cos ϕ) ∂/∂λ appearing
in the expansion of d/dt is latitude-dependent, so the numerical grid becomes
latitude-dependent also. This is an undesirable property. In contrast to this, the
Cartesian grid of the stereographic system is distorted only very slightly, which is
favorable for the numerical evaluation of the prognostic equations.
We now wish to establish the relation between the Cartesian coordinates of the
stereographic system and the coordinates of the geographical system. From (20.3),
(20.5), and (20.33) we have
x = R cos λ, y = R sin λ, R =
1 + sin ϕ
1 + sin ϕ
a cos ϕ = m
a cos ϕ
In order to estimate the distances of the Cartesian grid in terms of the variables of
the geographical system, we expand dx and dy as
dx =
dϕ +
dλ, dy =
dϕ +
dλ (20.49b)
Evaluating the partial derivatives with the help of (20.49a) yields
= m
−sin λ −cos λ
cos λ −sin λ
with dλ
= a cos ϕdλand dϕ
= adϕ. It should be observed that the matrix stated
in (20.49c) is orthogonal, so the inversion of the system to find (dλ
) is easily
accomplished. For additional details see Haltiner and Williams (1980).
20.5 The equation of motion in stereographic cylindrical coordinates
As we have seen, it is possible to introduce not only Cartesian coordinates but
also cylindrical coordinates in the stereographic plane. We will proceed as in
Section 20.4. Again we use the approximation m = m
. The Christoffel symbols