346 An excursion into spectral turbulence theory
12.7 Concluding remarks on closure procedures
There are several excellent books on boundary-layer theory dealing in great detail
with various closure schemes. A very illuminating account is given, for example,
by Stull (1989), where the reader can find an extensive bibliography on this subject
as well as many observational results. Here we can give only a few brief statements
on this topic.
There are local closure schemes and nonlocal closure schemes. The closure tech-
nique described in Section 12.6 is based on the turbulent-kinetic-energy equation.
This type of closure technique belongs to the group of local closure schemes. They
are called local since an unknown quantity at a point in space is parameterized
by values and gradients of known quantities at or near the same point. If nonlocal
closure techniques are used, the unknown quantity at one point in space is param-
eterized by using values of known quantities at many points. The idea behind this
concept is that larger eddies transport fluid over larger distances before the smaller
eddies have a chance to cause mixing. This is the so-called transilient turbulence
theory described in some detail by Stull (1989). There is a second nonlocal scheme
called spectral diffusivity theory. This theory has its origin in the spectral theory
which we have previously discussed.
Furthermore, it is customary to distinguish between first- and higher-order
closure schemes. To convey the idea of higher-order closure let us consider the
prognostic equation for the mean velocity
v; see equation (11.35d). This equation
includes the divergence of the Reynolds tensor which is essentially the double cor-
of the velocity fluctuations. The idea behind this closure principle
is to derive a differential equation for v
. The mathematical steps involved
are not particularly difficult but rather lengthy so we will restrict ourselves to
a brief verbal description to demonstrate the principle. For simplicity, we assume
that the density ρ is a constant. By subtracting the equation of mean motion
from the molecular form of the Navier–Stokes equation, we obtain a differential
equation for the velocity fluctuation dv
/dt. On the right-hand side of this
equation, among other terms, there still appears the divergence of the Reynolds
tensor. Dyadic multiplication of dv
/dt first from the right and then from the
left gives two differential equations, i.e. (dv
= ··· and v
/dt = ···.
Averaging these two equations and adding the results gives the desired
differential equation for the Reynolds tensor d(v
)/dt. Having derived this dif-
ferential equation does not complete the closure problem by any means since this
rather complex differential equation now contains the divergence of the unknown
triple correlation
. If we try to derive a differential equation for the triple
correlation, we end up with the appearence of a still higher unknown correlation
. In order to avoid the escalation of this problem, it is customary to