12.3 Isotropic conditions 335
It will be observed that T (k, k
) is also antisymmetric since W (k, k
) has this
property. In this prognostic equation the function T (k,k
) describes the exchange
of energy in k-space between shell k and all other shells since the integration ranges
from k
= 0tok
Our goal is to get some information about the properties of T (k, k
). This infor-
mation could be obtained by solving the spectral equation of motion (12.25) for
each amplitude V(k) to compute T (k, k
). In order to avoid such complex numerical
calculations, various closure hypotheses have been introduced in order to obtain
T (k, k
) alone from knowledge of the energy spectrum "(k). For a detailed discus-
sion see, for example, Hinze (1959) and Rotta (1972), where an extensive literature
on isotropic turbulence can be found. In the following brief description we shall
only introduce the approach of Heisenberg, who considers the case of stationary
or at least quasi-stationary turbulence. He assumed that the spectrum "(k) can be
divided into two regions that are separated by the wavenumber k = k
In the region of small wavenumbers (large wavelengths, region I) where k<k
turbulence is strongly influenced by external parameters. Examples would be the
geometric characteristics of the flow domain and the type of turbulence generation.
For this region it is not possible to draw general conclusions about the energy
spectrum and the direction of the energy transport.
In the region of large wavenumbers (small wavelengths, region II) where k>k
external influences are not important or do not exist. In this wavenumber range the
spectrum should be characterized by universal laws. In this universality region,the
energy transfer is always directed from smaller to larger wavenumbers. This means
that an energy cascade is taking place, whereby turbulent energy is directed from
smaller to larger wavenumbers, and from these to still larger wavenumbers, until
the energy is finally dissipated at the largest wavenumbers.
Heisenberg postulated that, in this energy transfer, the action of large-
wavenumber eddies upon small-wavenumber eddies is much like the appearance
of an additional viscosity. For this turbulence viscosity within the fluid, in analogy
to the frictional term 2νk
ρ(k), he assumed the relationship
T (k, k
) =−2κ
)) (12.37)
The function g(k
)) is thought to be a universal function. The constant of
proportionality κ
is known as Heisenberg’s constant, which is a pure number,
= 0.5 ± 0.03.
The form of the universal function g follows from a dimensional analysis that is
carried out next. In the mks system the units of energy density per unit mass and
unit wavenumber are ["(k)] = m
, the units of the time derivative are therefore
= m
. From (12.36) we find the units of T (k, k
T (k, k