128 Introduction to the concepts of nonlinear dynamics
In this example, a stable spiral has changed into an unstable spiral, which is
surrounded by a limit cycle since the real part µ of the eigenvalue has crossed the
imaginary axis from left to right as µ increased from negative to positive values.
This particular type of bifurcation is called the supercritical Hopf bifurcation.
The so-called subcritical Hopf bifurcation has an entirely different character.
After the bifurcation has occurred, the trajectories must jump to a distant attractor,
which may be a fixed point, a limit cycle, infinity, or a chaotic attractor if three and
higher dimensions are considered. We will study this situation in connection with
the Lorenz equations.
M7.2.6 The Liapunov function
Let us consider a system
x = f(x) having a fixed point at x
. Suppose that we
can find a continuously differentiable real-valued function V (x) with the following
V (x) > 0,
V (x) < 0 ∀ x = x
) = 0(M7.35)
This positive definite function is known as the Liapunov function. If this function
exists, then the system does not admit closed orbits. The condition
V (x) < 0
implies that all trajectories flow “downhill” toward x
. Unfortunately, there is no
systematic way to construct such functions.
M7.2.7 Fractal dimensions
Fractal dimensions are characteristic of strange attractors. Therefore, it will be
necessary to briefly introduce this concept. A one-dimensional figure, such as a
straight line or a curve, can be covered by N one-dimensional boxes of side length
#.IfL is the length of the line then N# = L,sowemaywrite
N(#) =
Similarly, a square and a three-dimensional cube of side lengths L can be covered
N(#) =
,N(#) =
Generalizing, for a d-dimensional box we obtain
N(#) =