Introduction to the concepts of nonlinear dynamics
By necessity, this introduction is brief and far from complete and may, therefore,
be reviewed in a relatively short time.
M7.1 One-dimensional flow
M7.1.1 Fixed points and stability
It is very instructive to discuss a one-dimensional or first-order dynamic system
described by the equation ˙x = f (x). Since x(t) is a real-valued function of time
t, we may consider ˙x to be a velocity repesenting the flow along the x-axis. The
function f (x) is assumed to be smooth and real-valued. A plot of f (x) may look as
shown in Figure M7.1. We imagine a fluid flowing along the x-axis. This imaginary
fluidiscalledthephase fluid while the x-axis represents the one-dimensional phase
The sign of f (x) determines the sign of the one-dimensional velocity ˙x.The
flow is to the right where f (x) > 0 and to the left where f (x) < 0. The solution
of ˙x = f (x) is found by considering an imaginary fluid particle, the phase
point, whose initial position is at x(t
) = x
. We now observe how this particle is
carried along by the flow. As time increases, the phase point moves along the x-axis
according to some function x(t), which is called the trajectory of the fluid particle.
The phase portrait is controlled by the fixed points x
, also known as equilibrium
or critical points, which are found from f (x
) = 0. Fixed points correspond to
stagnation points of the flow.
In Figure M7.1 the point P
is a stable fixed point since the local flow is directed
from two sides toward this point. The point P
is an unstable fixed point since the
flow is away from it. Interpreting the original differential equation, fixed points
are equilibrium solutions. Sometimes they are also called steady, constant, or rest
solutions (the fluid is stagnant or at rest). The reason for this terminology is that, if
x = x
initially, then x(t) = x
for all times. The definition of stable equilibrium