Some Unsolved Problems in General Systems Theory
12.3.1. Vase Puzzle
Suppose a vase and an infinite number of pieces of paper are available. The
pieces of paper are labeled with natural numbers 1,2,3, . . ., such that each piece
has exactly one label. The following recursive procedure is performed: Step 1:
Put the pieces of paper, labeled from 1 through 10, into the vase, then remove the
piece labeled 1.
Step n:
Put the pieces of paper, labeled from 10
– 9 through 10
into the vase, then remove the piece labeled n. After the procedure is completed,
how many pieces of paper are left in the vase?
First, define a function ƒ(
) = 9n, which tells how many pieces of paper are
left in the vase after step n, for n = 1,2,3, . . . Therefore, if the recursive procedure
can be finished, the number of pieces of paper left in the vase should be equal to
the limit of the function ƒ(
) as n → ∞. Hence, the answer is that infinitely many
pieces of paper are left in the vase. Second, for each natural number n, we define
the set M
of pieces of paper left in the vase after the nth step is finished. After
the recursive procedure is finished, the set of pieces of paper left in the vase equals
the intersection
That is, no piece of paper is left in the vase.
Lin, Ma, and Port (1990) pointed out theoretically that there must be an
impassable chasm between pure and applied mathematics. The reason is that pure
mathematics is established upon a set of axioms, say ZFC. The theory possesses a
beauty analogous to painting, music, and poetry, and a harmony between numbers
and figures, whereas in applied mathematics each object of interest is always first
given some “mathematical meaning,” and then conclusions are drawn based on
the relations of these meanings to the objects involved. It is the assignment of
a mathematical meaning to each object that causes problems, because different
interpretations can be given to the same object. As described in (Lin et al., 1990),
some interpretations can result in contradictory mathematical models.
If we go back to the vase puzzle, it can be seen that the contradiction has very
fruitful implications. First, one could argue that since there is no way to finish the
recursive procedure in the puzzle, the contradiction does not exist. However, if this
argument is correct, a large portion of mathematics would be incorrect, including
the concept of limits, existence of subsequences, and Cantor’s diagonal method
in set theory, since they all require completion of a similar recursive procedure.
Second, if information about a phenomenon has not all been used, the phenomenon
can either not be understand because of the lack of knowledge or be understood at a
more global level and more information is needed to be more specific. However, the
vase puzzle does not satisfy this general methodology of recognition. Information
about the ordering really made understanding more controversial rather than more
specific. Third, among the most common practices of modern scientific activities
is the science and technology of data analysis. It is known in analysis that the more
data that are collected, the more misleading conclusion could be. This is due to
the accumulation of errors. An extraordinary amount of errors can easily conceal
the actual state of a phenomenon. The vase puzzle is another example showing