Chapter 11
This new concept of convergence has widespread applications. There are many
good reasons for introducing new concepts. For example, if it has been shown
that the boundary problems of partial differential equations of some problems in
physics do not have differentiable solutions, can one claim, based on this fact, that
these possess no practical meaning? Obviously not! since boundary problems are
often approximations of some realistic situations, they are idealized mathematical
models, and the coefficients of the differential equations in the models are not
absolutely accurate. Therefore, one should look at boundary problems from the
viewpoint of approximation. It is unreasonable to restrict ourselves to the range of
continuous and differentiable functions. Because of this, the concept of generalized
In the theory of Riemann integrals, to integrate each term of a given series,
the series must be uniformly convergent. Without uniform convergence, the limit
of a sequence of integrable functions may not be integrable at all, and therefore
there is no way for one to talk about integrating each terms and summing the
results. On the other hand, in applied situations, the requirement of uniform
convergence is often not satisfied or is so complicated that it only causes more
trouble. Similar problems exist in different areas of the old theory of integration.
Most arise because in the definition of definite integrals, too much emphasis is put
on the requirement of continuity. The essence of Riemann integrations involves
(1) cutting the interval into finitely many subintervals; (2) on each subinterval,
looking at the function value ƒ
x) as a constant; (3) improving accuracy of the
approximation by increasing the number of subintervals; (4) taking the limit to
achieve the desired accuracy. For this process to work,
) cannot vary “too much”
on each of these subintervals. That is, ƒ
x) must be “fundamentally” continuous.
) is “extremely discontinuous,” no matter how small each subinterval is, there
is no way that one can look at ƒ
x) as approximately a constant. The function is
x ) is discontinuous, then we should try some new methods. For instance,
partition the interval into small subsets, on each of which ƒ(x) does not vary “too
much.” This is how the theory of Lebesgue integration was born.
The open interval A in the space is assumed to be the set of points
, where a
are constants. If A is an interval,
it means that some of the inequalities in its definition can contain the equals sign.
For any interval A,
stands for
, called the volume of A. Let E be
a set of points in , and
, . . . ,
, . . . a sequence of open intervals such that
. Then
is defined by
then considered to be not integrable.
the concept of lim
in mathematical analysis, where L² stands
for the space of all the functions which are Lebesgue square-integrable on
solutions was introduced.
. The exterior measure of E, denoted m
’s are open intervals and