Systems of Single Relations
10.6. Some References for Further Study
The concepts of chaos and attractors of single-relation systems were introduced
by Zhu and Wu (1987). They named the concepts panchaos and panattractor,
and systematically studied them under the name pansystems theory. The theory
appeared in the late 1970s. For more information consult Wu’s work (1981b;
1982a; 1982b; 1982c; 1983a; 1983b; 1984b; 1984c; 1984d; 1985).
The concept of feedback systems has been a major research topic in systems
theory and has been studied in many different ways by, for example, Mesarovic
and Takahara (1975), Bunge (1979), Rugh (1981), Deng (1985), Klir (1985), and
Saito and Mesarovic (1985). The definition of feedback systems, given in this
chapter was introduced by Saito and Mesarovic (1985), and some results are from
Lin and Ma (1990).
General systems of a single relation originated with Mesarovic, who began
to study this concept in 1964 (Mesarovic, 1964). Its final form was contained
in the book by Mesarovic and Takahara (1975), in which the concept of general
linear systems was studied in detail. Theorem 10.2.1 is a combination of a result in
(Lin, 1989b) and a fundamental theorem given by Mesarovic and Takahara (1975).
Feedback transformation has been a really hot topic in recent years. Because all
living and many nonliving systems are feedback systems, the method of studying
these systems is important. The concepts of feedback transformation and feedback
decoupling shed some light on the matter, because the concepts tell when the system
under consideration can be divided into smaller systems. For recent research, see
Takahara and Asahi (1985) and Saito (1986; 1987).
The study of decomposability conditions enlightens the research of relations
between “parts” and “whole.” Section 10.5 is mainly from Takahara’s excellent
article (1982). The concept of decomposition of systems shows its power in
Section 10.4.