Chapter 9
Theorem 9.7.12.
Suppose that
S, l
, T
} is a linked α
-type hierarchy of systems
in the category such that for some index t
∈ T, the state S
generally controllable on V' relative to a mapping
the inverse limit lim
{S, l
, T
} is also generally controllable (but relative to a
diffrent mapping G
From Theorem 9.6.5 it follows that we need only show that the mapping
is S-continuous. Theorem 9.7.1 implies this.
9.8. References for Further Study
The search for an ideal definition of general systems has been going on for
decades: see von Bertalanffy (1972), Mesarovic and Tahakara (1975), Gratzer
(1978), Klir (1985) and Lin (1987). The study of time systems can be found
in many publications. For example, Schetzen (1980) studied continuous time
systems of multilinearity; Rugh (198 1 ) gave a systematic theory on nonlinear
continuous and discrete time systems; a more general setting of the concept of
time systems can be found in Mesarovic and Takahara (1975), and their definition
was generalized by Ma and Lin (1987).
The constructions of new systems, such as free sum, products and limit sys-
tems, were first given by Ma and Lin (1987; 1987; 1988d). Studies on various
controllabilities of systems can be found in almost all books on systems. For
example, Deng (1985) studied the concept of gray control, Wonham (1979) pre-
sented a concept of controllability of linear systems of differential equations, and
a study of controllabilities of nonlinear systems can be found in (Casti, 1985).
Not all of the concepts of controllabilities are equivalent. The concepts of con-
trollabilities presented here are based on research contained in (Mesarovic and
Takahara, 1975; Ma and Lin, 1987). Periodic and order structures of families of
systems were studied intensively in (Lin, 1988b; Lin, 1989a). Connectedness and
S-continuity were first studied in (Lin, 1990c; Ma and Lin, 1990e). Cornacchio
(1972) showed what an important role the concept of continuity played in research
of general systems theory and its impacts on engineering, computer science, social
and behavioral sciences, and natural sciences.