6 Newtonian Flow
As seen in Eq. (6.5.34), there are two new additional lengths in boundary
layer theory, as defined in Eqs. (6.5.35) and (6.5.36). There are the dis-
placement thickness
and the momentum thickness
. The displacement
thickness is the equivalent thickness of the deficit of volume flow rate in
the boundary layer compared to the inviscid flow limit by the continuity
consideration, as schematically shown in Fig. 6.21. The momentum thick-
ness is the equivalent thickness of the momentums loss due to the deficit of
mass (volume flow rate) in the boundary layer.
For a steady flow over a flat plate with a zero pressure gradient, that is
0 ww xp
/ and
const. UxU , i.e.
0 ww xU /
, the momentum loss is
solely due to wall friction, and this is simply expressed in Eq. (6.5.34) as
The momentum thickness
is often used to represent a characteristic
length in turbulent boundary layer studies.
6.5.3 Boundary Layer Separation
The boundary layer theory based on thin layer approximations discussed in
this chapter does not apply in so-called separated regions, such as observed
along curved surfaces. Nevertheless, the boundary layer theory can give an
estimate to the point of occurrence of the separation, and is able to give an
explanation of the phenomena. Here we will consider the phenomenon of
boundary layer separation and vortex formation behind bluff bodies.
The velocity profile in the boundary layer depends upon the potential
flow outside the boundary layer. The core flow, which may be accelerated
or decelerated, is determined by the flow situation and geometry of the
wall. The phenomenon of boundary layer separation occurs for flow, which
has an adverse pressure gradient, 0!dxdp
/ , as illustrated in Fig. 6.22(a).
Particularly with a flow over a curved surface, such as flow over an airfoil,
as representatively displayed in Fig. 6.22(a), the inviscid flow is deceler-
ated, the separation of boundary layer from the wall starts at s and in the
downstream b and
c , the reverse flow persists with 0ww yu / , whereas
in the upstream
the flow is forward at
direction with 0!ww yu / . The
separation streamline, which is of a zero velocity contour coincides with
the wall, leaves the surface at the separation point s and extends toward the
downstream. When the Reynolds number of flow is sufficiently high, at
the downstream of the separation point below the separation streamline,
the wake takes place which is typically characterized by irregular eddies.