250 Diesel engine system design
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and assign factors in proper directions if needed. Rotatability means the
statistical design provides equal precision of prediction in all directions. It
is a very important property because the nature of the response surface is
usually unknown prior to running the DoE cases. Rotatability in composite
designs can be controlled by adjusting the distance of the ‘star points’ (axial
points) to the center point. According to Montgomery (1991), any rst-order
orthogonal design is rotatable; the face-centered central composite designs
are not rotatable, and this could be a serious disadvantage; Box–Behnken
design is rotatable or nearly rotatable.
The fourth guideline for statistical DoE design is to tailor the non-reachable
‘dead corners’ in the DoE factor space with proper designs. In the DoE
designs with an irregular factor space or polyhedron (e.g., corners missing
in a cubic space of standard design, or the region is constrained by certain
factor relationships), the Box–Behnken or non-standard D-Optimal design
should be considered. The Box–Behnken design does not contain any points
at the vertices of the cubic region that is created by the upper and lower
limit levels of each factor (i.e., no corner points, Fig. 3.16). This feature
could be advantageous when the points on the corners of the cube represent
the factor-level combinations that are impossible to test or simulate due to
certain constraints. The D-Optimal designs are constructed by including some
of the extreme vertices of the constrained region, centers of edges between
the hyper-cube corners, or the centers of the faces of the hyper-cube, and
so on. The D-Optimal design makes efcient use of the entire factor space,
and it can be a preferred choice when there are no classical designs that
can well investigate the irregular region, and when the number of DoE runs
that can be afforded is smaller than the number of runs of any available
classical design. The D-Optimal method may tailor the corners of the factor
space, and it also provides as much orthogonality as possible between the
columns in the design matrix, hence maximizes the output information for a
given number of DoE runs. In fact, the D-Optimal was regarded as the most
suitable statistical design method by some authors for engine calibration due
to its capability of handling the constraints on factor combinations (Roepke
and Fischer, 2001). It should be noted that the irregular factor space occurs
frequently in diesel engine system design. For example, a factor combination
of a very high exhaust restriction, a very large VGT vane opening, and a
very large EGR valve opening will result in an extremely low air–fuel ratio
in some DoE runs, which belong to the impossible ‘corners’.
Figure 3.17 shows an example of DoE input factor set-up used in diesel
engine system design. In summary, the practical rules of RSM DoE design
for diesel engine system design include the following:
1. The rst-order model with two factor levels can be used to preliminarily
screen the factors. The second-order or even third-order with more factor
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