280 Diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
distribution to the left and the skewness increases. With a very high shape
parameter, the distribution becomes one-side skewed and has a sharp decaying
shape like in the exponential distribution.
When the statistical data are constrained by an upper or lower limit
(e.g., cooler effectiveness limited to less than 100%, engine ow rate or
pressure limited to greater than zero), using some of the above-mentioned
distributions may create problems that unrealistic numbers exceeding the
limits could be generated. Depending on the type of limit (upper only,
lower only, or both), one of the following distributions that are limited
by an upper or lower limit can be used to t the data: uniform, triangular,
positively skewed, negatively skewed, one-side skewed, or extreme value
distributions. An alternative and approximate way is to use the symmetric
clustered-around-center distributions (e.g., normal) to t the data and then
impose the limits to discard any data exceeding the limits. The penalty of
using this method can be small if the tail in the distribution (i.e., the portion
truncated off) is relatively small.
It should be noted that in statistics theory a few distributions are usually
used in statistical inference analysis rather than modeling physical random
variables, such as the chi-square, F- and student’s t-distributions, because
they are derived distributions from other basic distributions.
3.4.3 Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation
Probabilistic models are sometimes titled with the term ‘Monte Carlo’. Monte
Carlo simulation is a modeling tool for uncertainty and it has been used since
the 1940s. Uncertainty cannot be simply replaced by a single average value.
Otherwise, the estimate and design decisions based on that average will be
way off in general. It is the engines at the extremes of the entire population
that determine the success or failure of the design, rather than the nominal
mean of the entire population. Probability distribution is a much more realistic
way of describing uncertainty in variables subject to risk.
In general terms, the Monte Carlo method refers to any technique that
approximates solutions to quantitative problems by statistical sampling.
It is a general class of stochastic approach for analyzing uncertainty
propagation from model input to model output. It uses random sampling
of the probability distribution functions of the model inputs, often with an
independent and random combination of several inputs at the same time,
to produce outputs and estimate the probability distribution of the outputs.
Independent sampling refers to the fact that there is no correlation between
two or more input distributions. The calculation is usually conducted with
several thousand random samples instead of a few discrete scenarios in order
to satisfy the accuracy requirement of the probability evaluation. The term
Monte Carlo was coined in the 1940s in reference to games of chance by
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