260 Diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
maintaining the mean of NO
at a constant level. They also illustrated the
method of calculating the optimum signal-to-noise ratio at 95% condence
interval and the estimated optimum response (emissions) values. The 95%
condence interval level is usually a good compromise between model
accuracy and complexity. A high signal-to-noise ratio does not necessarily
mean the statistical distribution of the emissions variability is acceptable. The
authors continued their investigation by using the Monte Carlo simulation
along with the emissions regression models obtained from an earlier step
and other relevant models to calculate the statistical distributions of the
emissions parameters for ten factors. The ten factors were: nozzle cone angle,
nozzle protrusion, piston-to-head clearance, head gasket thickness, stem seal
leak rate, oil contribution from other sources, timing, injection command
pressure, nozzle ow, and intake port swirl ratio. The statistical distributions
of the input factors were determined by actual engine testing data. A large
amount of samples were taken as the input for the Monte Carlo simulation.
The Monte Carlo simulation was run 500 times to obtain the result of
emissions variability/scattering. They quantied the contribution from each
factor on the standard deviation of the emissions distributions. This work
leaped from the Taguchi DoE method of signal-to-noise ratio optimization
to probability distribution analysis for performance variability, and it is one
of the pioneering works in the Monte Carlo simulation for diesel engines.
Hunter et al. (1990) applied the Taguchi method to simultaneously optimize
several diesel engine design and operating parameters for low emissions in
a single cylinder engine. The control factors included engine compression
ratio, nozzle area, nozzle protrusion, boost pressure, start-of-combustion
timing, indicated mean effective pressure, and engine speed. The interactions
included: compression ratio vs. nozzle area, compression ratio vs. nozzle
protrusion, and nozzle area vs. nozzle protrusion. The responses included
the mean and the signal-to-noise ratio of particulate matter, NO
, HC, and
smoke. They provided a detailed description of each step in the Taguchi
method, especially the calculation procedure and formula for predicting
the optimum responses (with 90% condence interval) when each factor is
independent and no signicant interactions exist. Gardner (1992) used the
Taguchi method to investigate the effects of changes in fuel spray cone angle,
number of spray holes, nozzle hole area, nozzle tip protrusion, compression
ratio, swirl level, and fuel injection timing on diesel engine combustion and
emissions. He pointed out that, although the Taguchi method is a powerful
tool for factor screening and optimization, it should be used with caution
to understand the confounding and interaction effects in order to choose
an appropriate orthogonal array and to avoid erroneous conclusions drawn
from the main effect study. Win et al. (2002) used the Taguchi method to
conduct an experimental study on diesel engine noise, emissions, and fuel
economy. They used the signal-to-noise ratio and ANOVA to quantify the
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