229Optimization techniques in diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
samples needs to be very large. The details of the Monte Carlo simulation
are provided in Section 3.4.
The noise factors mentioned in step 2.1 in Fig. 3.9 refer to all the noise
factors covered by the variability analysis. The steps 2.1–2.3 compose
DoE-1, and they are similar to steps 1.1–1.3 in nature. The level setting of
the noise factors in step 2.1 is handled in the same manner as in step 1.1
(i.e., only for levels of mean values). The DoE-1 RSM-1 emulator surface-t
models are often needed as surrogate models to replace the computationally
intensive engine cycle simulation models because the Monte Carlo simulation
in step 2.5 requires thousands of runs. The thousands of Monte Carlo runs
need to be iterated for each case in DoE-2. It should be noted that the level
setting of the noise factors in the DoE-2 in step 2.4 is different from that in
step 2.1 (or step 1.1). The noise factors in step 2.4 need to be described by
several distribution factors (e.g., mean, standard deviation; scale parameter
and shape parameter) to reect its particular probabilistic distribution shape.
These factors are called probability distribution factors. Each probability
distribution factor is a factor in DoE-2. Each noise factor in step 2.4 needs
to have several factor levels for each probability distribution factor within
a reasonable range for the shape of the given type of probability function.
For example, for a noise factor of turbine efciency, its ‘mean value’ factor
needs to have ve levels of setting to cover a range of possible mean values
of the probabilistic distribution of the turbine efciency, for example at
58%, 59%, 60%, 61%, and 62%. Its ‘standard deviation’ factor also needs
to have ve levels of setting to cover a range of possible different shapes of
the probabilistic distribution of the turbine efciency, for example at 0.3%,
0.6%, 0.9%, 1.2%, and 1.5%. Obviously, the DoE size in step 2.4 is usually
larger than that in step 2.1. For example, assuming the DoE-2 in step 2.4
has 10 factors (i.e., 4 control factors, and 3 noise factors which give 6 noise
probability distribution factors) and 210 cases (runs), for each case the Monte
Carlo simulation needs to be executed 1000 times by taking 1000 random
probability sample combinations. Such a huge amount of computation usually
cannot be handled by using the original detailed system models. Therefore,
the RSM-1 model described in step 2.3 is needed here as the fast surrogate
The output of step 2.5 in Fig. 3.9 includes all the engine responses in
the form of probabilistic distribution shapes, their statistical properties for
a selected t of probability distribution function, and probability statistics
(i.e., failure rate for variability). The statistical properties of the responses
may include the following: minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation,
skewness, excess kurtosis, and mode. (For the denition of these probability
distribution parameters, see Tables A.1 and A.2 in the Appendix.) Suspected
outliers in the probability distribution of the simulated responses are not
uncommon. Outliers are not necessarily bad data points. They should be
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