what life must have been like at court in Henry VIII’s day.
The book I set out to write was to have descriptive, analytical, and narrative elements, and was to be a new portrayal of a
subject about which many people no doubt felt there was little more to be said. It was never my intention to be
controversial. Yet during the course of my research, I came across one of Henry’s own letters in which I discovered startling
information that sheds new light on the fate of Anne Boleyn and demolishes one of the most accepted theories as to why she
was executed. It also explains why Henry was able to put to death the woman he had, almost literally, moved Heaven and
Earth to marry. Such a discovery was exciting and challenging, and provided answers to many of the questions surrounding
Anne’s fall. I realize, however, that some readers may find my conclusions provocative.
What is most interesting to me is that no other writer seems to have picked up on this information. I first read Henry’s letter
in a recent biography of Anne Boleyn, and was amazed to find that the author, a respected historian, did not comment on it.
But there is no doubt in my mind as to its significance.
Writing this book about Henry VIII, therefore, has involved using newly available material and reinterpreting known
sources. Yet how far can we rely on these sources? Every historian knows that some sources are untrustworthy, and those for
the reign of Henry VIII are frequently informed by religious bias. Some were written as propaganda, some with an ulterior
motive, some were based on misinformation, and some were either attempts at character assassination or plain whitewash
jobs! It is always important to look for corroborating evidence and to assess the prejudices of the writer and his/her nearness
to events. I have been dealing with Tudor sources for thirty-six years now, and am very familiar with many of them, but one
can never afford to be too complacent. The important thing is to read the sources properly and to think seriously about their
meaning. Misinterpretation is all too easy. That said, it is important to remember that these events occurred over four
centuries ago: two historians, given the same facts, might come up with completely different interpretations and, in the
absence of evidence to the contrary, both would be valid. I usually base my conclusions on a balance of probabilities, after
having examined as many facts as I can discover.
Researching Henry VIII: The King and His Court was a mammoth task. There is so much information available that it
would be impossible to include it all. I have, in fact, used just a quarter of my research for the book. Deciding what is to be
included and what is not is often very difficult, but with a subject like this it is all too easy—and pleasurable—to follow
lines of research that are not strictly part of the brief. Yet I never feel that my research is wasted, because the advantage of
having knowledge of so much background material lends added authority to what I finally write in the text.
I might not sound very disciplined with research, but I am very strict with myself when it comes to planning a book like
this. It took me two months to prepare a written plan that extended to every last detail, and in each instance I asked myself
if, firstly, each piece of information was relevant to the subject and, secondly, whether it would enrich the book as a whole.
As to length, I have to confess that the book is nearly twice as long as it was meant to be, and I can only express my
heartfelt gratitude to my publishers for agreeing with me that I could not have done justice to the subject in a shorter work.
It is no easy task to write a personal biography of a Tudor King, or an account of his court, because in the sixteenth century
a monarch ruled as well as reigned, and politics was an essential part of the life of the King and the court. Whilst making
this clear, I have touched on politics only where necessary. What I have done is to focus on the lives and personalities of
Henry’s courtiers, from his queens down to the lowliest scullion, and interwoven them into the narrative. I have also
described many of the dramatic events of the reign, emphasizing how they affected the King and the life of the court.
When it came to writing about Henry VIII’s six wives, I constantly bore in mind the fact that I had already written a book
about them, and tried to avoid repetition. The details that were repeated were those that were relevant to the new text. I have
also had occasion to revise some of my conclusions in the earlier book, in the light of new research, although I hasten to
assure those who have read and enjoyed The Six Wives of Henry VIII that I still stand by most of what I have written in it; if
you read this new book, you will see where my views have been revised, and why.
In the current climate, in which the monarchy is no longer very fashionable, I am pleased to see that there remains an
abiding interest in the kings and queens of the past. Perhaps it is because their lives were in such contrast to ours: they lived
by rigid social and religious rules and mores, whereas we perceive morality as being relative, and being true to ourselves as
being more important than social conformity. They dressed according to a strict code governed by status and modesty,
whereas for us dress is a matter of self-expression. They lived in an age when class and rank were all-important, while in
our egalitarian age we like to think of these things as anachronisms. And lastly, to the Tudors the concept of sexual equality
was unknown and against divine and natural law; to us, it is virtually an article of faith. It is therefore fascinating to us, from
our modern vantage point, to look back across the centuries and discover how people behaved within constraints that would
be utterly alien to most of us.