This is the complement of the unit disk centered at z = 1.
Note that the stability region for the backward Euler method contains the negative
real axis. This is an important feature since the fast component of the dynamics in (9.1.9)
is of the form of (9.1.22) with λ = −1/ε. This is not just a feature of the simple model
problem such as (9.1.9), it is rather common for ODE systems that arise from chemical
kinetic models, discretization of dissipative PDEs, etc.
So far we have only discussed the simplest implicit scheme, the backward Euler
method. There are other implicit methods such as the Adams-Moulton methods and
the bacward differentiation formula. We refer to st andard ODE textbooks such as [21]
for details.
From a practical viewpoint, one disadvantage of the implicit schemes is that they are
implicit: At every time step, one has to solve a system of algebraic equations in order to
obtain the numerical solution at that time step. These algebraic equations are usually
solved by some iterative methods. While there are very efficient techniques available
for solving these algebraic equations, this does represent one additional complication
compared with the explicit methods.
It is quite remarkable that one can capture the large scale behavior of solutions to stiff
ODEs without the need to resolve the small scale transients, even though we are so used to
this and we tend to take it for granted. In fact, this seems to be special to systems whose
quasi-equilibrium distributions are delta functions. The same kind of philosophy does
not work for other systems for which the quasi-equilirbium distributions are non-trivial
(i.e. not delta functions), for example stochastic ODEs or highly oscillatory systems [31],
and it is unclear how useful implicit methods are for these kind of problems.
9.1.3 Stablized Runge-Kutta methods
Now we tu rn to explicit methods. As we said earlier, simple explicit schemes such
the forward Euler method are not very effective for the kind of problems discussed here.
However, composite schemes, which are sometimes formed as a composition of a large
number of forward Euler steps with different stepsizes, can be quite effective. Here we
will show how one can design such schemes in the framework of explicit Runge-Kutta