if we are solving a dynamic problem and the microstructure is frozen in time, or more
generally when th e microstructure changes much more slowly than the macro dynamics
of interest, then the kind of algorithms discussed in Section 8.1 such as RFB finite
element metho d and MsFEM might also be made sublinear, since the overhead involved
in formulating the finite element space (such as finding the basis functions) can be greatly
reduced. Yet another case for which sublinear scaling algorithms can be constructed is
discussed next.
Exploring statistical self-similarity
In the example discussed above, sublinear scaling was possible due to the disparity
between the macro and micro scales. Another situation for which it is possible to de-
velop sublinear scaling algorithms, and use sampling of the microscale behavior on small
domains to predict the behavior on larger scales was explored in [26]. This is the case
when the small scale components at different scales are statistically self-similar. This
work is still quite far from being mature. Nevertheless, we will summarize it here since it
gives some interesting suggestions on how one may develop sublinear scaling algorithms
for problems without scale separation.
General strategy for data estimation. In the problems discused above and in
Section 6.3, scale separation was very important for the efficiency of HMM: It allows us to
work with small simulation boxes for the microscale problem and still retain reasonable
accuracy for the estimated data. Working with larger simulation boxes gives roughly the
same estimates for the data. In other words, if we denote the value of the estimated
data on a box of size L as f = f(L), then when L is above some critical size, f is
approximately independent of L:
f(L) ≈ Const (8.4.1)
Here the critical size is determined by the characteristic scale of the microscopic model,
which might just be the correlation length. This idea can be generalized in an obvious
way. As long as the scale depend ence of f = f(L) is of a simple form with a few
parameters, we can make use of this simple relationship by p er forming a few (not just
one as was done for problems with scale separation) small scale simulations and use the
results to establish an accurate approximation for th e dependence of f on L. Once we
have f = f(L), we can use it to predict f at a much larger scale.
One example of such a situation is when the system exhibits local self-similarity. In