The data themselves differ from their neighbours in irregular steps, large or
small, rather than in smooth progression. It seems as though they derive from
two or more components, one uncorrelated superimposed on another that is
correlated. In other words, we seem to have one source of variation in which
contiguous positions in space do take values of Z that are totally unrela ted.
Engineers recognize this uncorrelated variation as ‘white noise’. They usually
express it by its covariance function:
dðhÞ; ð4:20Þ
where now dðhÞ is the Dirac function taking the values 0 when jhj 6¼ 0 and
infinity when jhj¼0. Thus for white noise CðhÞ¼0 for all jhj > 0 and
Cð0Þ¼1. The representation might seem bizarre, but it is the only way that
we can describe white noise using covariances. Its equivalent is a ‘pure nugget’
variogram; Figure 4.3(d).
For properties that vary continuously in space, such as the soil’s pH, the
concentrations of trace metals, air temperature and rainfall, the apparent nugget
variance comprises measurement error plus variation that occurs over distances
less than the shortest sampling interval. The latter is usually dominant.
Monotonic increasing. The variograms in Figure 4.3(b)–(c) are monotonically
increasing functions, i.e. the variance increases with increasing lag distance.
The small values of gðhÞ at short jhj show that the ZðxÞ are similar, and that as
jhj increases ZðxÞ and Zðx þ hÞ become increasingly dissimilar on average.
Looked at from the point of view of correlation, rðhÞ increases as the lag
distance sho rtens, and the process is therefore said to be autocorrelated or
spatially dependent.
Sill and range . The variograms of second-order stationary processes reach
upper bounds at which they remain after their initial increases, as in Figure
4.3(b)–(c). The maximum is known as the sill variance; it is the a priori
variance, s
, of the process.
A variogram may reach its sill at a finite lag distance, in which case it has a
range, also known as the correlation range since this is the range at which the
autocorrelation becomes 0; Figure 4.3(c). This separation marks the limit of
spatial dependence. Places further apart than this are spatially independent.
Some variograms approach their sills asymptotically, and so they have no strict
ranges. For practical purposes their effective ranges are usually taken as the lag
distances at which they reach 0.95 of their sills.
Unbounded variogram. If, as in Figure 4.3(e), the variogram increases indefi-
nitely with increasing lag distance then the process is not second-order
stationary. It might be intrinsic, but the covariance does not exist.
Hole effect. In some instances the variogram decreases from its maximum to a
local minimum and then increases again, as in Figure 4.3(f). This maximum is
58 Characterizing Spatial Processes