that interact, some in highly non-linear and chaotic ways. The outcome is so
complex that the variation appears to be random. This complexity, together
with our current, far from complete, unders tanding of the processes, means that
mathematical functions are not adequate to describe any but the simplest
A fully deterministic solution to our problems seems out of reach at present.
To make progress we must look at spatial variation differently. Recapitulating,
we have two needs: to describe quantitatively how soil varies spatially, and to
predict its values at places where we have not sampled. In addition we want
estimates of the errors on these predictions so that we can judge what
confidence to place in them; estimates of errors are lacking in the classical
methods of interpolation. We need a model for prediction, and since there is no
deterministic one the solution seems to lie in a probabilistic or stochastic
4.2.1 Random variables
The fact that spatial variation appears to be random suggests a way forward.
Consider throwing a die; on any one throw we obtain a number, for instance, a
6. This is the outcome of throwing the die once, of drawing one value from a
distribution that consists of the set f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g with equal probability. One
can argue that the result is physically determined in that it depends on the
position of the die in the cup and of the cup itself at the start, the forces imparted
to it by the thrower, and the nature of the surface on which it lands (Matheron,
1989). Nevertheless, these are so imperfectly known and so far beyond our
control that we regard the process as random and as unbiased. Similarly, since
the factors that determine the values of environmental variables are numerous,
largely unkno wn in detail, and interact with a complexity that we cannot
disentangle, we can regard their outcomes as random.
If we adopt a stochastic view then at each point in space there is not just one
value for a property but a whole set of values. We regard the observed value
there as one drawn at random according to some law, from some probability
distribution. This means that at each point in space there is variation, a concept
that has no place in classical estimation. Thus, at a point x a property, ZðxÞ,is
treated as a random variable with a mean, m, a variance, s
, and higher-order
moments, and a cumulative distribution function (cdf). It has a full probability
distribution, and it is from this that the actual value is drawn. If we know
approximately what that distribution might be we can estimate values at
unrecorded places from data in the neighbourhood and put errors on our
48 Characterizing Spatial Processes