The technique is simple and local. The disadvantages are that, although it is
somewhat better than the Thiessen method, each prediction still depends on
only three data; it makes no use of data further away, and there is again no
measure of error. Unlike the Thiessen method, the resulting surface is contin-
uous, but it has abrupt change s in gradient at the margins of the triangles. If
the principal aim is to predict rather than to make a map with smooth isolines
then the discontinuities in the derivative are immaterial. Another difficulty
is that there is no obvious triangulation tha t is better than any other; even for a
rectangular grid there are two options.
3.1.3 Natural neighbour interpolation
Sibson (1981) combined the best features of the two methods above in what he
called ‘natural neighbour interpolation’. The first step is a triangulation of the
data by Delauney’s method in which the apices of the triangles are those
sampling points in adjacent Dirichlet tiles. This triangulation is unique except
where the data are on a regular rectangular grid. To determine the value at any
other point, x
, that point is inserted into the tess ellation, and its neighbours,
the set T (the points within its bounding Dirichlet tiles), are used for the
interpolation. Sibson called these points ‘natural neighbours’.
For each neighbour the area, A, of the portion of its original Dirichlet tile that
became incorporated in the tile of the new point is calculated. These areas,
when scaled to sum to 1, become the weights. We can represent this by the
general formula:
for all i ¼ 1; 2; ...; N: ð3:4Þ
This means that if a point x
is a natural neighbour, i.e. x
2 T, then A
has a
value and the poin t carries a positive weight. If x
is not a natural neighbour
then it has no area in common with the target and its weight, l
, is zero.
This interpolator is continuous and smooth except at the data points where
its derivative is discontinuous. Sibson called it the natural neighbour C
He did not like abrupt change in the surface at the data points, and so he
elaborated the method by calculating the gradients of the statistical surface at
these from their natural neighbours. These gradients were then combined with
the weighted measurements to provide the hei ght at the new point. The result is
a smooth, once differentiable surface. Like the simple polyhedral interpolator, it
returns the actual values at the measured points, i.e. it is an exact interpolator.
Sibson showed that it reproduces continuous mathematical functions faithfully.
However, both we and Laslett et al. (1987) have found that it produces
unacceptable results where data are noisy. At local maxima and minima in
such data it generates ‘Prussian helmets’, which Sibson wished to avoid.
Spatial Interpolation 39