5.2.1 Unbounded random variation
The idea of unbounded, i.e. infinite, variance may seem strange. After all, we live
on a finite earth, and there must be some limit to the amount of variation in the
soil. Yet the evidence from surveys of small parts of the planet suggests that if we
were to increase the region surveyed we should encounter ever more variation;
our extrapolation of the experimental variogram is one that continues to increase.
The simplest models for unbounded variation are the power functions:
for 0 < a < 2; ð5:10Þ
where w describes the intens ity of variation and a describes the curvature. If
a ¼ 1 then the variogram is linear, and w is simply the gradient. If a < 1 then
the variogram is convex upward s. If a > 1 then the variogram is concave
upwards. The limits 0 and 2 are excluded. If a ¼ 0 then we are left with a
constant variance for all h > 0; if a ¼ 2 then the function is parabolic with
gradient 0 at the origin and represents differentiable variation in the underlying
process, which is not random, as mentioned above.
Figure 5.3 shows examples with several values of a, including the upper
bound, a ¼ 2; at the lower limit a ¼ 0 would represent white noise, and hence
discontinuous variation. Nevertheless, some experimental variograms seem flat,
and we return to this matter below.
One way of looking at these unbounded functions is to consider Brownian
motion in one dimension. Suppose a particle moves in this dimension with a
velocity or momentum at position x þ h that depends on its velocity or
momentum at a close previous position x. It can be represented by the equation
Zðx þ hÞ¼bZðxÞþ"; ð5:11Þ
where " is an independent Gaussian random deviate and b is a parameter. At its
simplest b ¼ 1, and its variogram is then
2gðhÞ¼E½fZðx þ hÞZðxÞg
: ð5:12Þ
If the exponent k in equation (5.12) is 1 then we obtain the linear model, with
gðjhjÞ ! 1 as jhj!1. This is also known as a random walk model.
In ordinary Brownian motion the "s are independent of one another. If,
however, the "s in equation (5.11) are spatially correlated then a trace is
generated that is smoother than that of pure Brownian motion. The exponent,
k, now exceeds 1, and the curve is concave upwards. If, on the other hand, the
"s are negatively correlated then a trace is generated that is rougher, or
‘noisier’, than that of pure Brownian motion. The exponent k in equation
(5.12) is now less than 1, and the curve is convex upwards.
If the "s are perfectly correlated then k ¼ 2 and the trace is completely smooth,
i.e. there is no longer any randomness. As k ! 0, the noise increases until in the
limit we have white noise, or pure nugget, as described in Chapter 4.
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