(iii) the experimental variogram may contain much point-to-point fluctuation.
(iv) most models are non-linear in one or more parameters.
Items (i)–(iii) make fitting by eye unreliable. The first two impair one’s intuition,
firstly because the brain cannot judge the weights to attribute to the semivar-
iances, and secondly because one cannot see the variogram in three dimensions
without constructing a stereogram or physical model, and for three-dimen-
sional variation one needs a fourth dimension. Scatter, item (iii), usually means
that any one of several models might be drawn through the values. It can also
lead to unstable mathematical solutions, and it exacerbates the consequences of
item (iv) because the non-linear parameters must be found by iteration.
Further, at the end one should be able to put standard errors on the estimates
of the parameters.
We also warn against a practice, still common, of choosing the dispersion
variance in a finite region to estimate the sill of a bounded model for the regional
variogram. For such a region the sill is always greater than the dispersion
variance. Their relation is shown in Figure 4.4. The curve is the variogram of a
second-order stationary process in one dimension of finite length, as on a
transect. The variogram is extended to the limit of the transect, and in these
circumstances the two shaded portions of the graph should be equal. Clearly the
sill, the a priori variance of the process, must exceed the dispersion variance,
which is estimated by the variance of the data.
We recommend a procedure that embodies both visual inspection and
statistical fitting, as follows. First plot the experimental variogram. Then choose,
from the models listed above, one or more with approximately the right shape
and with sufficient detail to honour the principal trends in the experim ental
values that you wish to represent. Then fit each model in turn by weighted least
squares, i.e. by minimizing the sums of squares, suitably weighted (see below),
between the experimental and fitted values. Finally, inspect the result graphi-
cally by plotting the fitted model on the same pair of axes as the experimental
variogram. Does the fitted function look reasonable? If all the plausible models
seem to fit well you might choose from among them the one with smallest
residual sum of squares or smallest mean square.
The experimental isotropic variogram on the left-hand side of Figure 5.1 was
computed from a fairly small subset of the Broom’s Barn data of 87 sites. It
shows how much point-to-point fluctuation can occur with rather few data (see
Chapter 6), emphasizing the point in item (iii) above. We fitted circular,
spherical, exponential and power functions to these experimental values, and
they appear in that order as the solid lines in the figure. No one model evidently
fits better than any other, and this impression is supported by the small
differences between the mean squared residuals (MSR) in Table 5.1. The
experimental variogram computed from the full data for Broom’s Barn of 434
sites appears on the right-hand side of the figure with the same set of functions
fitted. The form of this sequence is simple; it increases smooth ly in a gentle
102 Modelling the Variogram